5 REAL Tips On Improving Your Fitness Business, Helping More People and Making More Money – Part 2

5 REAL Tips On Improving Your Fitness Business, Helping More People and Making More Money – Part 2

When your business requires you to be physically active, it can be even more challenging to keep up with best practices and implement them consistently. Improving your fitness business doesn’t have to be difficult, though. With natural tips on fitness business with the right advice and attitude, anyone can take their company to new heights in almost no time.

Hey guys, Luka Hocevar from the Pack Fitness Business and Lifestyle here.

I am back with Part 2 of 5 REAL Tips: Improving Your Fitness Business, Helping More People, and Making More Money.

If you missed part 1, you could check it out here now onto part 2.

Real Tip #2 – Client Retention Checklist (cont.)

Thus accurate tip is to avoid losing your customers by building relationships and keeping in touch using a rolling calendar of communications. This is a programmed sequence of letters, events, phone calls, thank you’s, special offers, follow-ups, magic moments, and cards or notes with a personal touch that occur constantly and automatically at defined points in the pre-sales, sales, and post-sales process.

People not only respond to this positively, they appreciate it because they feel valued and vital. It acknowledges them, keeps them informed, offsets post-purchase doubts, reinforces why they’re doing business with you, and makes them feel part of your business so that they want to come back again and again.

The Pack Presents. Mix Tape Vol. 1
Client Name:_______________________________ Start Date_______________ D.O.B:____________ Phone #:________________ Cell#:_____________ Email:____________________________________


1) Send “Welcome To <Biz Name> Family” via mail
2) Send “Welcome to <Biz Name> Family” email
3) Take Measurements & Before Picture
4) Give the Client a “white belt” bracelet
5) Facebook shout out that they are now a member of the family
6) Send, via email, new client material (success manual & checklist/nutrition plan/boot
camp schedule/food log)
7) Enter new member into the newsletter system
8) Add a new member to Facebook private <biz name> membership group


1-week check-in desk date
Due Date:

Email & phone call check-in
Due Date:

Invitation to members’ appreciation event
Due Date:

FB tag/comment 1 x a week
Due Date:

Congrats for making it through your 1st Month letter
Due Date:

At least 1x a week newsletter blast (quality content)
Due Date:

Don’t forget the measurement day message
Due Date:

Every Wednesday, remind them of Bring a Friend Thursday


Invitation to the training workshop
Due date:

Monthly check-in call & email
Due Date:

Invitation to members’ appreciation event
Due Date:

FB tag/comment 1 x a week
Due Date:
At least 1x a week newsletter blast for the best quality content
Due Date:

Don’t forget the measurement day message
Due Date:

(We will do this for the full 12 months)


  •  Cards for Birthday
  • Referral thank you notes with a personal gift
  • MIA phone calls, emails, FB messages, & texts
  • IF clients leaves-Send them a thank you card
  • Weekly Bring a Friend Thursday reminders
  • “Just because” gift to long-time members

Retention Audit

1) What is the Lifetime Value of Each Client? (LV)
2) How long do your clients stay with you?
3) What do you do daily/weekly/monthly/yearly to retain clients?
4) Do you have a retention system? If so, do you follow it? 😉
5) Are you studying what other businesses do to retain you as a client?

Other Client Retention Strategies

1. Blogs

2. CRM Systems

3. Loyalty Programs

4. Magic Moments

5. Overcome Buyer’s Remorse

6. Personal Touches

7. Premiums and Gifts

8. Questionnaires and Surveys

9. Regular Reviews

10. Social Media

11. Welcome Book

Make retention strategies a foundation in your business and never stop improving them. Have a system so that everyone stays on point on following the task list as with most things business; make it “always” or “never” (inconsistent actions make members irritated!)

Natural Tip: Tracking Your Marketing Efforts

Successful marketing efforts are all about measuring and tracking. You want to know what methods are working and which ones aren’t. You can measure marketing efforts in several ways. Then you can track the number of leads generated by different marketing channels, the number of emails that get opened, the average time spent on your website, and more.

Read This way; you can retool or eliminate any channels and efforts that aren’t contributing to your bottom line.l Tip #3 – The Best Lead Generation Strategies

Accurate tip on Lead generation is still essential, as it drives the business’s growth.

I will not dispute what has worked for others, but I can say that many things that used to work do not work anymore. The majority of business is referral-driven if you have a quality business.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a quality site that ranks high for keywords, squeeze pages, etc. You should offer a lower-priced front-end offer or trial that is no-risk and shows the prospect why they should become a member of your program or gym.

Some things that work amazing for us are transformation contests and charity boot camps. We will do different programs to generate additional leads to make it more effective. We are talking to a specific population (fat loss: New Years 8 week transformation contest, men’s muscle gain: The Transformation Challenge, breaking fat loss plateaus, and a lot of hands-on attention: 29 Day Incubator Program, etc.)

So here is a list of some ideas you can implement to things that work as a lead generation:

Rotating your front-end offers every month or so is the best to see what your market responds to best

  • $21 for 21 days
  • 30 Days for $97 (this includes boot camp and semi-private training)
  • The Transformation Challenge
  • 29-Day Incubator Program
  • Weekly Charity Boot Camps
  • BIG Charity Events
  • Referrals/Rewards Programs (we make these in line with the contests as well)
  • Deal of the Day sites (we make this referral-based also as well as leading people into transformation contests)
  • Special Promotions through List/Facebook

An offer that does excellent on our site and exposes people to boot camp and semi-private
Personal training all at the same time

Get people through the doors on a short-term, low-risk offer that speaks to their why and
their wants and needs. In that time frame, blow them away with results, expertise,
Appreciation, care, and a unique atmosphere unlike any other. Make them feel like your gym is something they not only want but NEED to be a part of.

END OF PART 2, watch for part 3.

Slim & Heal