7 Ways to Reduce Hip Pain At Night

7 Ways to Reduce Hip Pain At Night

My Dad is having issues with hip pain at night and he asked me what he could do about it. I gave him seven tips that he could do in burning hip pain at night. I thought it would make a great video and article so I am sharing this to you.

If you know of someone who is suffering from hip pain at night, here are some ways that they can overcome that hip pain and get back to a pain free life.


~ Rick


In today’s video, I will show you what to do about hip pain at night.

What To Do About Hip Pain At Night

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I got Andrea to demonstrate.

1. Hamstring Massage

Hamstring Massage-burning hip pain at night

Hamstring Massage

Andrea is addressing tension in one of the muscles in the hip area. As we are moving and doing things throughout the day, the tension is building up in the muscles around the hip. This tension pulls the hip, leads to hip pain. Going to bed makes this hip pain even worse.  We need to decrease the tension in the muscles around the hip. Use a medicine ball, rubberized medicine ball, basketball, soccer ball or any type of ball that you have. The firmer, smaller and denser the ball, the more intense it will be.

2. IT Band Massage

IT Band Massage-burning hip pain at night

IT Band Massage

The outer part of the hip is often tight or sensitive for most people. Roll the ball below your hip to just above the knee. Ideally we don’t want to go through the joint when it comes to addressing tension. Roll the ball up and down, looking at 5 repetitions each way, for a total of 10. Look for a little bit of sensitivity, because that means we are really addressing the tension.

3. Quadriceps Massage

Quadriceps Massage- burning hip pain at night

Quadriceps Massage

Work on the front part of the hip and the quadriceps. Roll the ball from above your knee, to just below your hip. Work through the whole broad part of that muscle, working up and down 5 times for a total of 10. You are looking for a light sensitivity. The more body weight you put through it, the deeper the tension relieving feeling you will have.

4. Adductor Massage

Adductor Massage

Adductor Massage

Lie on your stomach, placing the ball on the inside of your knee. Roll the ball towards your mid-line and then roll it back out. Do 5 repetitions on each leg, so a total of 10. This massage decreases the tension in the inner part of the thigh for when it relates to pulling on the hip area.

5. Change sleeping position

A lot of my clients say that sleeping on their side is bothering them. If you are lying on your side, all of your weight is on your hip, worsening hip pain. If you can change your sleeping position from the side, lie on your back to decrease the stress on the hip joint.

6. Use pillows

You can put pillows underneath your hip to elevate it and modify your sleeping position. Place pillows underneath the curve of your back to provide more support. If there is a gap, your pelvis will tilt down, putting more pressure on your hip. If we put something underneath, it puts the pelvis in a better position and lessens the stress on the pelvis and hip area. You can put pillows underneath your hip and underneath your thigh in order to redistribute the weight of the lower body, lessening the pressure on the hip joint.

7. Utilize memory mattress topper

The last option is looking at your mattress. Adding some sort of memory foam topper tends to work really well to help ease hip pain when lying on your side. You can purchase a foam topper in most major department stores.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you are suffering from any sort of hip discomfort and want burning hip pain at night get rid of the soreness once and for all, then click here to check out the Best Gluteus Medius Exercises program.

Best Gluteus Medius Exercises