Turbulence Training Summit Review

Turbulence Training Summit Review

Turbulence Training is a growing disruptive player in the digital marketing space – emerging as a leading marketing agency with a primary focus on accelerating brands’ reach, visibility, and sales through implementing cutting-edge digital marketing techniques.

I like San Diego.

It was the third time I had been to San Diego, but this trip was slightly different.

I was off to my first Turbulence Training (TT) [¹] Summit. Turbulence Training Summit is an unconventional training and business-building seminar for personal trainers and boot camp leaders, run by Craig Ballantyne.

I have been learning training techniques [²] and business strategies from Craig since 2008. He has excellent stuff for trainers and coaches. I interviewed Craig for EFI, and here is a clip from it:

As with all seminars/conferences, I take a bunch of notes. Let me go through some of the highlights from the two days of learning.

How To TRIPLE Your Productivity And Have More Time For What Matters In Life With Craig Ballantyne

My clients, friends, and family are always at the forefront of my mind, and I’m constantly looking for ways to focus on what matters rather than what doesn’t ( productivity stuff, precisely). Especially with a whole life (clients, business, family, friends, and a dog).

Highlights from Craig’s presentation:

  1. You need to know where you want to be in 1, 5, and 10 years in the future to succeed in life and business.
  2. Embrace your journey. The crazy path you have taken is an important story you must share with your clients.
  3. More structure in your life leads to more freedom. Build that structure.
  4. You need to identify your OCD loop, break it and replace it.
  5. Email is like worms in your brain (Star Trek reference). It distracts you from your purpose, goals, family, friends, life, etc.
  6. You must do a minimum of one thing daily that moves you and your business towards your goal and purpose.
  7. It is not the number of emails you get in a day; it is the number of times you check your email inbox daily that drains your time. (Fun stat: The average person checks their email 34 times daily.)
  8. Go to bed and get up simultaneously, seven days a week. (Including Sunday!)
  9. Structure your best day, and protect it.
  10. Never, EVER, give up.

How To Go From No Clients To A $100K Bootcamp In 90 Days With Cara Eckerman

Cara gave a whole bunch of unique ideas on building your Bootcamp fast. She shared her story of how she went from Texas to California and built her boot camp up to six figures in a few months.


The points that stood out to me were:

  • Contact every sports club and school in your area and connect with them
  • If you don’t have the heart to fire them, don’t hire them

Brand New, Exclusive Secret Strategies to Getting More Clients with Bedros Keuilian

Bedros gets up there and talks. His presentation is often in his little black book. It is often 7 or 8 points on a piece of paper. Incredibly, he can do that. With so little written or typed out, he still gives excellent information. Amazing skill.

Few highlights:

  1. People buy on want, compared to need.
  2. Ask, “So why do you mean that?”
  3. Bootcamps are moving to 30-minute sessions (engaging).

The Missing Link In Creating A 7-Figure Facility From Scratch With Alwyn Cosgrove

I have been in the fitness industry since 1994. I’ve been following Alwyn Cosgrove’s work for a long time, but I have not yet had the pleasure of seeing him perform live. I finally did, and it was well worth it from a content and entertainment point of view.

Some of the highlights from Alwyn:

  1. Don’t just list your core values; live them.
  2. Do it better than anyone else.
  3. Be number one or number two. (What is the number 3 soda in the USA? Who cares.)
  4. The life cycle of a new personal trainer is 18 months (WoW).
  5. You should be embarrassed by the programs you wrote six months ago. It would help if you were constantly learning.

  6. Just go to a Cosgrove session to get the best laugh. During his session, I cried with laughter.
  7. Start small and be awesome.
  8. Ideas are worthless. Action on pictures is what matters.
  9. There are no mistakes. There are only lessons learned.

That was the end of day one, but we had a reception in the evening. It was great hanging out with Craig Ballantyne, Alwyn Cosgrove, Mike Whitfield, Rob King, Gill Whelan, Scott Rawcliffe, Brian Kalakay, and other trainers.

The Training Secrets Behind Turbulence Training – Craig Ballantyne

I have only referenced and used Craig’s Turbulence Training programs, and it was great to get some insight into how he puts his programs together.

Here is a clip from Craig on foot stance and the squat:

A New Way of Looking At & Doing Bodyweight Exercises with Scott Rawcliffe

All of us trainers in the audience were going, “What can this guy teach us about bodyweight exercises? I have been a trainer for “BLANK” years, and I know all about bodyweight exercises.”

Well, he surprised us and delivered what he promised.

I took a bunch of video clips from his presentation and will post a blog on it very soon.

Some very cool ones he went through.

5 Reasons On Why You Have To Incorporate Games Into Your Bootcamp – Brian Kalakay

Brian did a high-energy presentation on incorporating games into your Bootcamp to separate your Bootcamp from others. Here is a little clip from his presentation:

Great comment Brian made: Be an innovator or changer. We did one of his Bootcamp games at the morning Bootcamp, and it was a lot of fun. Here is a clip from the morning Bootcamp:

Workout Finishers With Mike Whitfield

I have talked about Mike before on my blog. Here he is talking about the difference between workout finishers and interval training:

Mike ran us through an excellent Workout Finisher in the morning Bootcamp session.

If you wonder what a Workout Finisher is, here is a great one that Mike took all of us trainers through in the morning Bootcamp. For me, it opened up my sweat glands and pushed my body into the burn zone.

(No, that is not me breathing heavily in the video.)

I look up to Mike; he has pushed me to take my fitness more seriously. This guy has a crazy good story, and if he can change his life regarding nutrition, fitness, and mindset, I can take my fitness more seriously and to the next level.

How To Get EXACTLY What You Want In Life With Craig Ballantyne

  1. Take repeated action.
  2. Stop when you find the answer.
  3. Define what success is to you.
  4. Setting small goals leads to small action.

Let me share with you a few of the action steps that I took over the weekend:

  1. Write out my vision and mission: Help 1 Million people overcome injuries and pain to live a happy and more fulfilled life by 2020. (That was hard and easy, but I am glad I put that out.) Here is a little video clip of Craig on core values:

  2. Have everything that I do focus on my mission. (The thing above.)
  3. Start building my core values: (a) Never stop learning, growing, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone; (b) Use research to provide myself and fitness professionals better guidance on what to do with injuries and pain.

Okay, I am off to the plane. I will work on my little section at the end in a bit.

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1.Pandey, V., Basumatary, S., & Sahu, K. (2016). International Journal of Physical Education and Applied Exercise Sciences. In Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, North East Regional Centre, Guwahati (Vol. 2). https://journal.lnipeassam.edu.in/assets/resources/2022/03/Shareermaadhyam-Vol-2-No-2-2016-IJPEAES.pdf#page=71

2. Yu, J., & Huang, T. S. (2019). Universally Slimmable Networks and Improved Training Techniques. https://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ICCV_2019/html/Yu_Universally_Slimmable_Networks_and_Improved_Training_Techniques_ICCV_2019_paper.html