A Quick Tweak To Get More Out Of Your Foam Rolling Exercises

A Quick Tweak To Get More Out Of Your Foam Rolling Exercises

In this video, I wanted to go through a quick tweak that you can do to get more out of your foam rolling exercises.

Try this tweak if you are doing regular foam rolling exercises and are bored or not getting much benefit from them.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I had Donnalee demonstrate.

IT Band Foam Rolling Exercise

Go through a typical IT band foam rolling exercise, working on the IT band on the outer thigh. This area is often sensitive, especially if you are a runner, do a lot of single leg work, or have poor lateral plane stability.

The IT band (the iliotibial band) is a long piece of connective tissue that runs along the outer part of your thigh, from your hip to your knee/shin. The IT band is important for stabilizing and moving your knee. IT band syndrome is an extremely common lateral (outer) knee injury, especially in runners. IT band syndrome occurs when the band becomes tight, irritated, and inflamed. When the IT band is tight, friction occurs outside the knee when you bend it. This can be painful and can also lead to other injuries. It is therefore important to roll out the IT band, both to prevent IT band syndrome and to reverse it. Use the tweak in this article to get an even more effective foam rolling exercise for the IT band.

IT Band Foam Rolling Exercise

IT Band Foam Rolling Exercise

To get more out of the rolling foam exercise, rotate your body to roll in between the quad and the IT band.

Tweak on IT Band Foam Rolling Exercise

Tweak on IT Band Foam Rolling Exercise

Tweak on IT Band Foam Rolling Exercise

With this exercise, you are targeting the zone of convergence, where you will have muscle fibers from both areas intertwining and overlapping. Often this is an area with a lot of tension and sensitivity. Target this to loosen up the muscle and improve the tissue quality of the muscle. The quadriceps and the IT band perfectly target that zone of convergence.

Give that exercise a go. If you are bored and not getting much benefit from your regular foam rolling exercises, tweak it by hitting that zone of convergence to get more out of your foam rolling exercises.

Final Word

Make sure to swing by ExercisesForInjuries.com. Enter in your injury or pain. There’s a good chance I have an article, an interview, or a video to help you overcome injury or pain. Secondly,

Secondly, if you’re watching this on YouTube, head up above and hit subscribe. When you subscribe, you’ll get a video like this every couple of days where I talk about tips and tricks on overcoming injury or pain.

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you want a great foam roller, check out our 3-in-1 Foam Roller here!

3 IN 1 Foam Roller