Creating a One-Stop Health Shop with Lori Kennedy

Customers now have more choices than ever in retail and e-commerce. Fast fashion retailers like Forever 21 and H&M have been more popular over the past ten years, as have internet shopping behemoths like Amazon and eBay and specialist shops specializing in particular product categories like home goods or beauty products.

It can be difficult for companies to stand out in this competitive industry with so many various sorts of stores to select from. After all, not every business has the funding to establish a physical site with numerous divisions. But that doesn’t exclude you from setting up your one-stop health shop! We’ll go over how to develop a one-stop health shop below.

I interviewed a creative personality today about Creating a One-Stop Health Shop. I hope you’ll like this interview.

Just CLICK HERE to access the interview with Lori Kennedy.


Who is Lori Kennedy?

Lori Kennedy is the co-founder of WOW! Weight Loss Inc. She’s a business advisor offering alternative health professionals business systems, marketing, and in-depth education to help them succeed, even if they are unfamiliar with sales and marketing.

Lori is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist Board Certified in Practical Holistic Nutrition, who now manages a well-known wellness company in addition to running Canada’s largest health and wellness industry conference.

What Lori Kennedy shares in the interview:

  • What does she do as a registered holistic nutritionist? An RHN practically looks out what people eat to their eating habits up to disease prevention. They offer advice and services based on scientific knowledge of nutrition, dietetics, and other related fields.
  • How can a person become a registered holistic nutritionist? There are a variety of ways to become one. Although each certification has exceptional standards, all require formal education in the field and professional experience as a nutritionist.

weighing scale

  • To listen to the interview, scroll to the bottom of this page and click the play button symbol. Then you can listen to it on your computer when you like. If you do not have time to listen to it right now, click the “download” button and download it to your computer.
  • Also, the interview is up on iTunes. You can listen to it HERE or subscribe to the iTunes podcast and get all the interviews when they are ready. Enjoy!
  • If you use Chrome as your web browser, it can sometimes act up when playing the interview. I suggest listening to the interview in another web browser (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.).
  • Here is a video explaining how to download the interview recording
  • What is a One-Stop Health Shop? A One-Stop Health Shop is an integrated primary care service center for a particular target group. Telemedicine, chronic disease management programs, and counseling are examples of additional services.
  • What will practitioners gain from having a weight management system? This interview will give you an overview of the advantages and discuss why it’s crucial to have a weight management system in your business.
  • Why is having a short-term weight management program available in your business essential? Learn why practitioners must provide a short-term weight management program.
  • Lori provides examples of how users apply this weight management system to their workplaces. These are game-changer programs or service options that need commitment.One-Stop Health Shop
  • And what distinguishes her MLM program from others? It sets itself apart from others based on several variables.

  • When you get to the bottom of the page, click the “download” or “play” buttons to download the interview to your computer or device. On your computer, you can listen to it later if you do not have enough time right away. You may note these things for you to listen well to the interview:
  • The interview is also available on iTunes. You may listen to it HERE or download the podcast on iTunes to receive all the interviews as soon as they are available. Enjoy!
  • Playing the interview might be difficult if you use Chrome as your web browser. I recommend using a different browser (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.) to listen to the interview.
  • To download the interview recording, please refer to the video below.

Please get in touch with me if you have a cool specialty or business information that would be useful for fitness professionals. I would love to share it with the EFI group.

Submit this interview to any fitness professionals you know who might find it useful.

Take care.

Rick Kaselj, MS

Slim & Heal
