How To Stay Motivated To Overcome Your Injuries

How To Stay Motivated To Overcoming Your Injuries

Here are some tips on how to stay motivated in order to overcome those injuries and continue towards your goal of becoming a pro athlete one day. I am doing another one of these Google Hangouts where I am answering questions that came into customer support. This question is from Charles E.

“I am a big fan of yours. Having purchased a number of your products before, a major problem I have is pushing myself into working out. I have all sorts of exercise equipment, from a Bowflex machine to solid weight dumbbells and a tower to do chin-ups plus Olympic bars, but it seems like once I turned 70, I sort of lost all of my energy to work out. I am 78 years old now. And I have worked out most of my life. I really don’t know what to do.”

How to Stay Motivated To Overcoming Your Injuries

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Thank you very much Charles for the question.

Here are my suggestions:

1. Do Outdoor Activities

Try to do something outside of the house. It seems like lot of the activities that you mentioned are home-workout related. There is nothing wrong with home workout exercises, but if you are lacking motivation or need to be re-energized, try working out in a place outside of your house for a period of time. Being in a new environment, surrounded by other people who want to be there and who are excited to be there will energize you.

2. Try Something New

Try something new. It seems like a lot of the activities that you do are traditional weight training exercises. Try to learn something new, like yoga or Pilates. Trying something new might re-energize you when it comes to doing activities again.

3. Fight Aging

When I was training for the Iron Man in Penticton, Canada, my co-worker’s Dad wanted to do the Iron Man. He had done it at 60 and he completed it. Then he did it again 10 years later at 70 and he noticed that it was a lot more challenging for him to complete all of the necessary training. He found it difficult to do the volume he needed to have his body be at the level that it needed to be in order to complete the race. Unfortunately, he didn’t complete the Iron Man Triathlon. The point is that our bodies drastically change after the age of 60 and there are big jumps in what we are able to do from the age of 60 to 70, or 70 to 80. That’s just one example.

I have also witnessed this in my dad who is 74. His ability to do specific activities and function at a certain level has decreased since he was 60. That being said, I think you should always try to fight aging and do everything you can to keep your body as healthy as it can be. Being in a new environment, being in an outdoor environment, trying something new and always battling aging will help you. This will help you overcome your injuries.

4. Eating Nutritious Food

Look at what you are eating – this might be a reason for your lower energy. More details on that can be found in  101 Super Foods that Fight Inflammation and Joint Pain. Those are the foods that I really try to focus on and recommend.

So there you go! I hope that helps you out. If you have a question for me, the best spot to ask me is in the Exercises For Injuries Facebook Secret Group. I am in there every business day answering questions. So if you have purchased one of my products, you have access to be in that Facebook Group. If you do send me a question through customer support, I will do my best to respond to it. I might even do a video like this.

Make sure to swing by There is a good chance that I have a video, an interview or a blog post on your injury or pain. Enter in your injury or pain into the search bar on the top right of the screen. There is a good chance that I have something for you that will help you.

Second, if you are watching this on YouTube, head up above and hit “Subscribe”. Every couple of days you will receive a video like this, a guest video from one of my friends in the fitness world, or you will get an interview that I have done with one of my friends in the fitness world.

Third, head down below and hit “Like” and leave me a comment or question.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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