Killing Injury Through One Simple Strategy

Over the weekend, I was in San Diego. One of the trainers there was Jason Klein. Below, Jason shares the good that came from one of his injuries. He will share below how he goes through one simple strategy in killing injury.


~ Rick Kaselj

When I was a sophomore in high school, I suffered a complete tear of my ACL knee ligament while playing soccer.Killing Injury

It. Sucked. I was primarily obsessed with the sport, which is all I had. I was unable to play for the next six months.

Luckily I made a close to full recovery and played for four more seasons. I suppose the point here is that I would have never found my passion for helping people as a health and fitness professional if I didn’t enter with a “traumatic” injury.

Killing Injury

Ever since that time, it has been ritual-like behavior to personally implement kick-ass athletic muscle and fat loss workouts that are also beneficial in respect of preventing, recovering, and, yes, Killing Injuries.

I want to let you in on a little secret within the fitness world. There’s a NEW and revolutionized method out there that is helping other people pack on lean athletic muscle and lose fat much faster than traditional cardio workouts. A Done-For-You System. A blueprint to lean, athletic muscle. Isn’t it easier to have a map of where you are going?

This method is not for people who want a “magic bullet.” It is for those who love reaping true, long-term benefits from enjoyable challenges. Imagine getting some of the most effective workouts in 15 minutes or less without having to feel guilty about “not making time” to work out. The 15 Minute Body™method has already impacted hundreds of people.

15 Minute Body™

This 15 Minute Body™ method uses a new form of training called Interval Cardio-Resistance Training™ (ICRT™).

ICRT™ combines a metabolically demanding form of strength training with cardio training sets, which builds lean, athletic muscle and burns fat faster than you’re used to.

I stumbled upon the 15 Minute Body™ method about two years ago, as I was personal training in college. I have spent the past year digging up the scientific evidence behind this new method called Interval Cardio-Resistance Training™. You see, this is not your AVERAGE type of training method!

The 15-Minute Body™ method helps people see big results for the following scientifically proven reasons.

A 2012 European Journal of Applied Physiology study tested two groups of males: one group participating in long 45-90 minute cardio and one group participating in FAST, SPECIFIC resistance, and cardio intervals.


In far less time, the group participating in short, higher-intensity cardio-resistance workouts achieved exponentially greater results. (European Journal of Applied Physiology. Vol. 112 (5). MAY 2012. 1907-1915)

I don’t know about you, but that seems awesome!

The other awesome fact about this workout is that it stimulates fast, lean muscle growth AND fat loss more effectively than most traditional (boring) 60-minute cardio workouts! Plus, did I mention that it is 100% bodyweight? I didn’t spend a dime on useless equipment!

The main goal here is fat loss through lean muscle growth. Now keep in mind that these workouts don’t produce bulky muscle. It’s the lean, athletic physique that Jason’s 15 Minute Body™ method produces. Are you ready for this?

So if you are sick n’ tired of boring 60-minute workouts that leave you empty-handed, you probably want to give THIS FREE WORKOUT A SHOT!

Jason Klein, Certified Personal Trainer

Cardio for Those Who Hate Cardio