What Your Clients Don’t Know About Nutrition Is Injuring Them (and You)

What Your Clients Don’t Know About Nutrition Is Injuring Them (and You)

I remember back to my first few years as a trainer. I had no clue about nutrition. And this is from a guy who ended up playing pro soccer despite eating a typical North American diet.nutrition_healthy_vs_unhealthy

Some very high-up professors and college textbooks “taught” me that eating lots of grains and tons of protein is essential for an athlete…and anyone who works out regularly, for that matter.

Unfortunately, my neglect of proper nutrition led me to develop an auto-immune condition at 17 years old, have less energy than a dead battery, and constantly struggle with eczema breakouts and asthmatic attacks.

Thank god those days are long gone!

But still, MILLIONS of health-conscious people, perhaps even your clients, have been led to believe the same nutrition nonsense that had infested my mind.

So why do you and your clients need a solid handle on the complex relationship between food and human health?

It’s simple.

Diet is 80% of the equation for losing weight, having more energy, and living a longer, healthier life.

Even in rehab settings, better nutrition leads to better quality tissues, which means minor soreness and stiffness. Imagine a foam roller session that didn’t make you (or your clients) cry!

Yes, working out and following properly prescribed exercises is critical for strength, rehab, and creating a lean body, but we ALL know that “you cannot out-train a bad diet.”

Teaching People How to Fish

I commend individuals like you because you’re committed to not only treating people for what ails them, but you’re also in the game of educating them on how to take greater responsibility for their health and body.

And that, my friend, is the true meaning of the word doctor – to be a TEACHER. Your clients don’t win when you tell them to do something. When they are informed and genuinely understand how to prevent problems from happening in the first place, don’t they succeed in the long run?

“Why is my knee hurting?” says the patient.

“I’m not sure yet, but take these pills or just do these exercises, and you’ll feel better,” responds the practitioner.

That’s an all too familiar scenario in the medical and health field that needs to end. Thankfully, you don’t do that. And the same thing happens in the world of food and nutrition.

Here are some friendly conversations…

“You want to lose weight? Ok then, you got to try this diet that helped my aunt lose 30 lbs. All she ate was brown rice and bananas!”

It’s ridiculousness like this that keeps our population sicker and fatter than ever. You and your clients don’t need another diet. We need another diet like the U.S. needs another debt crisis!

Your clients need to understand how food and their body interact and not just take a leap of faith on the latest fad diet.

The TRUTH About Nutrition

There are specific facts that most health care professionals and nutritionists agree on. Someone must understand these before even deciding to go on a diet.

Once you are aware of these facts (and fundamental concepts), you can make intelligent decisions about any particular diet and the theory upon which it is based.

Although we live in a world of speed and convenience, someone who loses weight quickly will regain it just as fast if they continue jumping from one diet to the next rather than applying the fundamentals to their daily diet.nutrition

No diet will ever fix you (or your clients) UNLESS you (they) fix their habits and better understand what food is doing to them.

When that happens, you (they) are in control. And that is how life-long health is created.

After all, how many fitness professionals are sick, fat, and out of shape? Maybe a few, but most of us walk the talk – at least most of the time, right? And that’s because we KNOW the power of fitness, health, and strength. We’ve experienced it firsthand. We understand how the body works. We can see beneath the flesh and comprehend the consequences of specific exercises and treatments.

What if you (and your clients) had that same understanding of nutrition? What if you didn’t have to spend hours scouring the web, reading books or magazines, or enrolling in expensive CEC courses to master this knowledge? And what if you could answer most of your frustrating and confusing nutrition questions?

Wouldn’t that be incredible?

Now, YOU have become a trusted resource for your clients regarding helping them eat healthier. Just another tool in your toolbox to help them reach their ultimate health goals.

Plus, they can have the knowledge (and thus power) to overlook stupid diet gimmicks. And genuinely understand how to eat for maximum health and vitality.

That’s the dream.

But that can’t happen if we continue down the same path that has led 66% of the North American population to be overweight and sick. The U.S. spends the most money on healthcare but has the 74th-ranked healthcare system globally.

It’s time for a change, and that change is coming.

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Super Nutrition Academy

To take your health to the next level, you need to rely on yourself – not someone else. Just like watching someone working out won’t make you strong, nor will following yet another diet get you any healthier.

Instead, what needs to happen is for you (and your clients) to learn the fundamentals of nutrition. Once you understand how your body and food interact, you can make healthier and wiser choices.

Unfortunately, most information coming at us nowadays is superficial and conflicting. Look at how many people are still asking. How much protein should they eat, or whether fat is terrible for us? It leaves us confused, frustrated, and lost about what to do.

Millions of people are confused, and it’s because they DON’T understand the basics.

Super Nutrition Academy is the only online nutrition course that solves this problem. In as little as 1 hour of learning per week, students can finally get the answers to their health and nutrition questions in a “no B.S.” science-backed and easy-to-understand format.

No longer will you/they have to surf the web to end up more confused than before. At last, the most pressing health and nutrition topics can be easily understood and mastered even for those without formal education in health.

There is nothing like Super Nutrition Academy, and that’s precisely why it was created – to empower the individual to become their own “health master” so they can finally be in control of their health!

yuri and rickYuri Elkaim is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, a Certified Kinesiologist, and the Strength & Conditioning Coach for the men’s and women’s soccer programs at the University of Toronto. He’s the best-selling author of Eating for Energy and the creator of the Total Wellness Cleanse.

As a former pro soccer player turned health and fitness leader, Yuri and his cutting-edge nutrition and fitness programs have helped more than 50,000 people worldwide live healthier and fitter lives.

Slim & Heal