Shape Shifter Body Redesign Review

Shape Shifter Body Redesign Review

Over the last few weeks, there has been a lot of buzz over the Shape Shifter Body Redesign program.

I was lucky enough to be contacted by Adam Steer to see if I wanted to take a peek into the program and see what I thought.

The program went live today, but I was lucky enough to get a look at things a few days ago. I guess that is one of the perks of having an active and popular blog.

Now speaking of Adam Steer, if you have been reading the blog, you know I interviewed Adam a little while back on body weight exercises.

If you missed it, here it is again:

The video above is part 1 of the interview and if you want to listen to part 2, click here.

Now let’s get to this Shape Shifter thing.

At first, I was not sure about this Shape Shifter thing. When I hear “shape shifter,” I think of that character from X-men, but I know Adam and what he creates is good, so I looked into it a little more. Let me share with you what I found.

1. Very Cool Portal

This is a little different than most online products.

You get access to a very cool portal that has everything in it.

You have all kinds of stuff to download and watch.

There is a journal, nutrition manual, exercise manual, and other stuff.

This is what it looks like inside.

It is cool to download what I want and access the area, and know everything is right there if I like it.

2. Tonnes of Bodyweight Exercises

I like bodyweight exercises more and more.

Life has got a little busier with two little ones, and at times it is tough to get to the gym.

There is enough stuff in the house with all kinds of plastic toys. The last thing I need is more fitness equipment.

The body weight exercises are easy to do, and I can do them in my hallway.

I know many bodyweight exercises, but Adam knows way more than I do.

Here are some of the body weight exercises and videos in the portal:

3. Great Warm Up and Cool Downs

As I have gotten older, I understand the importance of a warm-up and cool down.

The warm-up and cool down help me feel good and fend off muscle imbalances which tend to be an issue for people that do a lot of sitting especially when you have to drive the kids everywhere.

Adam and his buddy Ryan have put together a bunch of great ones.

Once again, I know a whole lot, but I am always looking for new ones and new ideas.

Sometimes, it is nice not to think and do something else.

Here are a bunch of the warm-ups and cool-downs they have in the portal:

4. Get All Kinds of Stuff

You get all kinds of stuff to help you with your exercise, workout, and weight loss goals.

There are resources on nutrition, an exercise video library, and resources to help you succeed.

You can see it all here:

5. Sense of Community

One last thing, they have done a great job creating a community.

Everyone in the program can go to one place and ask questions or encourage each other.

This is very, very cool.

I like this.

I might even head over there and ask Adam and Ryan a few questions.

Shape Shifter

What if I am a Fitness Professional?

I am always looking for new ideas, and I have got some related to the body weight exercises plus the warm up / cool down exercises.

Plus, they have great information for experts on personal development, stress, digestive health, and relationships which has been helpful.

Okay, that is it.

If you give the program a go, let me know how it goes for you.

If you want to get more information on Adam and Ryan’s Shape Shifter Body Redesign program, CLICK HERE.

Rick Kaselj, MS

Bodyweight Blender - Shape Shifter