What To Do About Hip Pain When Squatting?

What To Do About Hip Pain When Squatting

Hey, I hope you are having a great day.

Lately, you’ve noticed that I have been creating a lot of YouTube videos. One of my goals in 2016 is to post a video every single day this year. I am on my way to achieving this goal. I have missed a few days but I will make sure that I am able to post at least 365 videos this 2016. If you are interested in checking out my videos, then make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel  here.

One other thing that I wanted to talk about is my upcoming new product. I know that I have been talking about it over the last few weeks. The product was supposed to be released by now but we are still going through the final stages of reviewing the full-color manual and the DVD. It is looking awesome and I am certain that you will be blown away when this arrives in your mailbox. I am hoping to release it later this week or early next week. So, watch out for it! This will really change your life.

Now today, I have a video for you when it comes to hip pain and squatting. If you or someone you know is suffering from hip pain when squatting, then check out the article and video below.

Take care!

~ Rick


In today’s video, I will show you what to do about hip pain when squatting.

What To Do About Hip Pain When Squatting

I’ll get Andrea to demonstrate.

1. IT Band Foam Rolling

Often tightness in the muscles around the hip has an effect on squatting, which leads to hip pain.

IT Band Foam Rolling - What To Do About Hip Pain When Squatting

IT Band Foam Rolling

Use a one-foot foam roller. From just below the hip, roll to just above the knee and then return back down. Roll through the outer part of the hip which, targeting the IT band. Do 5 repetitions in a smooth and controlled movement. It might be a little sensitive going through this exercise because of the tension in that muscle. You may experience some discomfort, but do not look for screaming pain. I find this exercise the most important one when it comes to hip pain and squatting.

2. Gluteus Maximus Foam Rolling

Gluteus Maximus Foam Rolling - What To Do About Hip Pain When Squatting

Gluteus Maximus Foam Rolling

Start off by foam rolling just above the sit bones, rolling up towards the top of the pelvis, and then coming back to the sit bones. Often, this exercise will not cause as much sensitivity as the IT band foam rolling exercise. This is completely normal. You’ll be surprised how sensitive you will feel in this exercise because there is hidden tension in the gluteus maximus muscle. Go with 5 repetitions, down and up, 5 times each way so a total of 10.

3. Hamstring Foam Rolling

Hamstring Foam Rolling - What To Do About Hip Pain When Squatting

Hamstring Foam Rolling

From the sit bone, roll down to just above the knee then come back down. When it comes to foam rolling, we are ideally trying to avoid the joint. We just want to go above or below the joint and focus on that muscle. I find this exercise causes less sensitivity than the gluteus maximus and the IT band foam rolling exercises. But oftentimes there is tension in the hamstring which leads to hip pain, especially when you are squatting.

4. Quadriceps Foam Rolling

Quadriceps Foam Rolling

Quadriceps Foam Rolling

Place half of your body on the foam roller. Roll up from above the hip to just below the hip, and roll through. Do 5 repetitions down and up, going through the muscle. You’ll probably feel some sensitivity in the quadriceps. Often, there is tension built up in the quadriceps which has an effect on hip pain when squatting.

So, there you go! Make sure you do these foam rolling exercises to target the IT band, gluteus maximus, hamstring, and quadriceps if you have stiffness and tightness when squatting. These exercises will have great effects on your squatting movements.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you want to improve the activation, endurance, and strength in your Gluteus Maximus, then click here to check out the Best Gluteus Maximus Exercises program.

Best Gluteus Maximus Exercises