4 Strengthening Exercises to Relieve Back Pain

4 Strengthening Exercises to Relieve Back Pain

Today, I will share some back strengthening exercises specifically for men.


I had Jenna demonstrate the strengthening exercises to relieve back pain.

1. Full-body Roll-up

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Bend through the back, hang at the bottom through the hips, and work your way back up into a standing position, trying to move at each position of the vertebrae.

Full-body Roll-up - Strengthening Exercises to Relieve Back Pain

Full-body Roll-up

Perform one set of 3 repetitions and progress to 5 repetitions. Go through the exercises in a smooth, controlled movement and try to have the movements happen at each of the vertebrae. Work on straightening up the spine slowly and standing nice and tall. The intensity of this exercise is light. The purpose of this exercise is to work on mobility and movement throughout the whole spine.

2. Medicine Ball High-low Chop

For this exercise, use a medicine ball. Begin by standing in a wide stance with the ball in a high position. Come across the body, bend your knees and bring the ball to the low position. Then, return to the high position and back down again. Repeat the movement on the opposite side.

Medicine Ball High-low Chop - Strengthening Exercises to Relieve Back Pain

Medicine Ball High-low Chop

Perform one set of 5 reps on each side. You can progress to 10 reps. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a quick stop at the end. The intensity will be light to moderate, depending on how heavy the medicine ball is and on how quickly you do the movement.

The purpose of this exercise is twofold. The first is to target the abdominal area and strengthen it up to help the back, and second is to strengthen the hips and knees and to work on the proper movement of the body — to have the upper body act as one unit and to have the movement happen in the hips instead of the spine.

3. Bird Dog Exercise

Start in a four-point position with your hands beneath your shoulders and your knees beneath your hips, about hip-width apart. Maintain proper alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Reach with the arm and opposite leg, come to a good stop, and then return down to the start. Repeat the movement on the opposite side.

Bird Dog Exercise

Bird Dog Exercise

Perform 1 set of 5 reps on each side. Do this in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the end. The intensity is light.

The purpose of this exercise is to work on the core and abdominal areas, which help the back, and also work on the muscles that stabilize the hips and shoulders. Stabilizing those two areas will help ease lower back pain.

4. Front Plank to Side Plank

Start in a plank position, maintaining proper alignment with your head, shoulders, and hips. Tighten your abdominal area. Move from your forearms to one side, lift your arms overhead, and then return to the starting position. Repeat this movement on the other side and then return to the starting position.

Front Plank to Side Plank

Front Plank to Side Plank

Perform one set of this exercise on each side, going through 10 movements of front plank, side plank, and then back to front plank. Do these in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at each of the positions. The intensity can be light to moderate, depending on your abdominal strength.

The purpose of this exercise is to activate and fire up those core muscles to help reduce back pain. Also, this exercise targets the muscles in the shoulder blades that stabilize the shoulder and the muscles in the hips. Having strong stabilizing muscles in the shoulders and hips will help relieve and prevent back pain.

Give these four strengthening exercises to relieve back pain a go. They are great back-strengthening exercises targeted for men’s body areas that tend to be tight and weak.

If you want to end your back discomfort permanently, then click here to check out the Low Back Pain Solved program!

Low Back Pain Solved

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS