I wanted to show you a few hip pain exercises that will help you get immediate relief.
I had Jenna demonstrate the exercises.
#1 – Seated Leg Extensions
Sit on the floor and extend your legs out front. Prop yourself up with your hands at your sides. Bend your knees and bring them up toward your shoulders. Then, straighten the legs out and try to contract your quads. Relax and repeat the movements.
Seated Leg Extensions
Perform one set of 5 reps in a smooth, controlled movement with a good contraction at the end. The intensity is light for this dynamic stretch.
The purpose of this exercise is to dynamically stretch the hamstring muscles, the opposing muscles of the thighs and quads, which are often tight and can lead to hip pain.
#2 – Figure 8 Stretch
Lie on the ground with your arms at your sides. Relax your upper body. Bend both knees. Bring your right foot over the top of your left knee. Lift your knee up, using your hands to pull it up a little bit further. Look for a good stretch in the hip area.
Figure 8 Stretch
Perform one set of 2 reps with a 5-second hold. Progress up to a 20-second hold at the end. The intensity is light as you’re focusing on a static stretch.
The purpose of this exercise is to loosen up the hip, specifically the piriformis muscle, which tends to be tight in the hip and causes hip pain.
#3 – Butterfly Stretch
Sit on the floor, bring your feet together and drop your knees out to the side. Actively use your hip muscles to drop those knees. Relax and repeat the movement.
Butterfly Stretch
Perform one set of 2 reps with a 5-second hold. Progress to a 20-second hold at the end. The intensity is light for this static stretch.
The purpose of this exercise is to target and loosen up the muscles in the inner thigh, which are often tight due to hip pain.
#4 – Kneeling Lunge
Begin in an upright standing position. Take a big step forward with one leg and slowly lower the knee of your back leg to the ground. Tighten your abdominal and glute areas. Bring your hips forward. Look for a stretch in the hip area and hold it for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position. Repeat this movement on the other leg.
Kneeling Lunge
Perform one set of 2 reps on each side, alternating back and forth. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stretch at the end position. The intensity is light, which is more of a dynamic stretch.
The purpose of this exercise is to stretch out the front of the hip to help relieve hip pain.
#5 – Pigeon Pose
Start in a plank position. Bring one leg up, and cross your foot across your body toward the opposite shoulder. Lean into that leg and stretch out your hip.
Pigeon Pose
Perform one set of 2 reps, alternating back and forth between legs. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a light stretch in the hip, targeting the rotators of the hip. The intensity is light.
The purpose of this exercise is to target the rotators of the hips, which are often tight, leading to hip pain.
Give those five easy exercises for hip pain relief a go. They are effective hip pain-relieving exercises that will take you only a couple of minutes to do.
If you want to overcome or prevent back and lower body injuries, then click here to check out the Best Gluteus Medius Exercises program!
Take care!
Rick Kaselj, MS