When it comes to bodyweight corrective exercises for the rotator cuff, most people think about band-assisted exercises that can be done at home or in front of a mirror. In this video, I’ll go through an Excellent Bodyweight Corrective Exercise for Rotator Cuff called “Floor Wall Slides.”
What is Rotator Cuff?
The rotator cuff is a common site for pain and injury. Most people are not aware of what the rotator cuff is. A rotator cuff is a group of muscles that protect your shoulder joint. These muscles allow you to rotate your arms and move your arms above your head. The rotator cuff is made of muscles and tendons that work to keep the head of your humerus (your upper arm bone) in your shoulder socket. There are four rotator cuff muscles.
The Supraspinatus Muscle
The supraspinatus muscle holds your humerus (upper arm bone) in place and stabilizes the humerus. It also helps you lift your arm. The infraspinatus muscle is key for rotating and extending your shoulder. Your teres minor muscle is the smallest of the rotator cuff muscles and assists in rotating your arm away from your body (external rotation). Finally, the subscapularis muscle helps hold your humerus to your scapula (shoulder blade). It also helps you rotate your arm, hold it straight out and lower it.
YouTube to watch the YouTube video.
I had Donnalee demonstrate.
Floor Wall Slides
Lie down on your back on the floor. Start with your legs straight, then bend your legs. This puts the lower back in a better position and locks your lower body. Relax your whole body, specifically the upper body. Lie with your arms to the side and your palms facing you, then slide your arms along the floor until you bring your hands together over your head. At about shoulder height, rotate your arms and continue to the overhead position. Slowly lower back down.
Floor Wall Slides
Remember that you are sliding the arms along the floor. Try to focus on good movement in that shoulder and shoulder blade. Try to increase your awareness of how your shoulder blades and your shoulders are moving. Make sure you have good movement in that shoulder and shoulder blade. The rotator cuff is working increasingly as your arm moves further and further away from your body. It would help if you increased your awareness of that movement so the muscles can work properly and fire properly.
Do 5 to 10 repetitions.
Do 5 to 10 repetitions, starting with five repetitions in a slow and controlled movement. Try to stay relaxed in that upper trapezius and have that movement come from the shoulder joint and the shoulder blades. Feel how the shoulder is working to keep that upper trapezius relaxed.
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Take care!
Rick Kaselj, MS
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