The Master Cleanse is a juice cleanse that has been around for many years. Proponents of this diet claim that drinking lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and water for 10 days will detoxify your body, reduce your appetite and help you lose weight fast. However, how safe is the master cleanse?
Hey, I hope you are having a great weekend.
If you are like me, you’ve probably cheated on your diet once in a while. I live in the Okanagan, where you can find a wide range of wines, so I sometimes drink a little bit more than I should. Now, my good friend Mike Whitfield has a simple seven-step, 4-day detox template that is easy to follow and safe.
Enjoy the article below.
~ Rick Kaselj, MS
What is the deal with these “master cleanses” and dangerous detoxes?
It’s almost out of control. My nine-year-old longtime client told me about his friend drinking only chicken broth and water for three days.
I can see it now: On day four, I would binge on a large pizza, some Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, and probably Doritos because, you know, Doritos.
Listen, I’ll admit sticking to any diet, no matter how great it is, is much harder than you thought it would be, especially if you’re working so hard and making better choices, yet you’re not seeing a difference in your clothes.
You’re probably flooded with “try this super-secret exercise to lose 5 pounds TODAY!” and “lose the pooch in just five days with this herbal secret something cleanses!”
Of course, it gives us hope, so we try it. Sure, we see some changes. Then, just days later, we put the weight back on. You can claim to the world ― and rightfully so ― that you’ll never do this again because:
- It was too difficult
- You put the weight back on because it was so extreme
Why Does This Happen?
It’s not doable. What? Were you expecting some “you’re missing the #1 secret spice in your diet that boost your metabolism by 900%” claim?
We’re constantly told to cut out sugar or eliminate bread or anything else that is not just doable.
Then when we can’t stick with it, we feel defeated, so we return to our old ways. That’s why we see a rise in obesity.
Well, I have good news.
I’m living proof that it doesn’t take extreme measures and that you can enjoy your sweets, bread, and more while losing weight consistently.
Note that I said consistently and not extremely, as there is a difference. It comes down to this …
A Fast Start That Leads to an Achievable Long-term Plan
Today, I’ll share my “fast start” that I would use with my clients whenever they wanted a motivation boost while feeling and seeing a difference. This kept them focused.
Most detoxes are very dangerous and not doable. The one I’ll share with you today is doable, and you can use it once every eight weeks because it’s not dangerous. You won’t go hungry or crave a binge.
You won’t lose 10 pounds in four days, but you will eliminate bloat and “puffiness,” Don’t be surprised if you lose a few pounds. This will be the motivation boost to keep you going too. You’ll look leaner as well.
4-day Detox Template
- Drink 80 to 100 ounces of water every day
- Move your body ― preferably in the morning ― for 5 to 10 minutes using low to nonimpact movements, and be sure to hit all major muscle groups. Do this every day.
If you want to keep it super simple, do full-body extensions for 30 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds. Do this up to 10 times.
Here’s how to do it:
Moving your body without destroying it encourages blood flow to flush out toxins from your system. You don’t have to do any jumping or any other joint-pounding movements.
In addition to drinking plenty of water and moving your body, do the following:
- Keep dairy and grains to an absolute minimum ― this includes milk, cheese, bread, pasta, and more
- Eat only until you are about 80 percent full, using fruits and vegetables as your main source of food
- Keep caffeine to just one serving or less per day (for example, 1 cup of coffee)
- Eliminate red meat and processed sugars; remember, it’s only four days
- After the detox, enjoy a reward meal of your choice. This sounds like it could crush your progress, but it doesn’t. Your body will enjoy the influx of calories, which helps you mentally.
This four-day detox propels you into a longer, more achievable long-term plan like my Achievable Body.
I named it “The Achievable Body” because it’s achievable.
You don’t have to eat only organic foods… And you don’t have to eat all your cheat foods in one day, as you get four to six cheat meals over the weekend or whatever three days work for you.
You don’t have to give up sugar or bread.
If this sounds good, I explain how it works by leveraging a Cornell University study.
In fact, my mom lost 66 pounds leveraging this study ― not in a few weeks, as it did take her a few months. However, it’s very doable.
For your guide to the best foods to heal your body, check out The Best Foods that Rapidly Slim & Heal in 7 Days here!