In this post, I went through how the Leg Extension Machine can be dangerous for your back.

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When it comes to the Leg Extension Machine, a very common exercise you will see people do is straightening the legs and then lowering their legs back down. This is called the leg extension, which is why the machine is named the Leg Extension Machine. While there are benefits to this exercise, it also leg extension can be dangerous for your back. Some people lack hamstring flexibility, which changes the curve of the pelvis. If so, your pelvis will tilt back, and your back will flatten out. This flattening out of the back exposes your back to undo stress and pressure, which can result in irritation, pain, or full-blown injury.

Slide Your Hand Behind Your Back
Here are some things you can do:
- Countless exercises work your legs. Some exercises similar to leg extension are classic squats and lunges. Avoid the exercise and do other exercises that work on your legs.
- Do the leg extension exercise on the leg extension machine, but eliminate the range of your actions. Instead of extending your legs all the way, limit how far you go. Do 75% of the movement.
- Work on flexibility in the hamstring. I did another video on what you can do about your tight hamstrings. If you can lengthen out the hamstrings, your pelvis can stay in a neutral position. When the pelvis is in its neutral position, your lower back can maintain its natural curvature, and you will be at a much lower risk of injuring your back.
- You want to keep the slight, natural curve in your lower back. Slide your hand behind your back and work on trying to keep the curve in your lower back. Work on not changing the pressure against your hand, and then go through the movement. Make sure not to over-arch the lower back, as this will also put you at risk for back pain and injury.
So there you go! Now you know why if you are doing the Leg Extension Exercise and it bothers your back. You already know the four things you can do when it comes to the Leg Extension Machine exercise to avoid irritating your back or potentially injuring it.
Final Words
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Take care!
Rick Kaselj, MS
If you are suffering from back discomfort, click here to check out the Low Back Pain Solved program.