SI Joint Refund

As you know, the SI joint injury workout book came out last week, and I was already asked for a refund.

Let me chat about why the person refunded.

“I Have Done All the Exercises Before.”

It does not happen often, but I do get some refund requests for my products.

I do all I can to listen to their reason and process the refund fast.

I was sad to hear about a refund request on the Sacroiliac Pain Solution.

The reason why the person wanted a refund was because:

“I have done all the exercises before.”

The explanation sounds logical but let me share what I have learned about exercises and injuries.

1. It is NOT the Exercise

Like Lance Armstrong’s book, It’s Not About the Bike, the same can be said about the exercise.

More important than the exercise is the movement you are trying to target and the goal you hope to reach with the campaign.

This can be activation, endurance, strength, mobility, etc.

2. Technique is Paramount

I find with exercises for injuries; the technique is so important.

It is tough to cover all the details in an exercise in a description or a video.

The best way to get results is to have someone go through the exercise with you, then give feedback on what you are feeling while doing the training, and then have the practice corrected.

Changing a foot position, rotating a hip, or changing the weight-bearing point can significantly affect the exercise.

3. Order Counts

The order you do the exercises is also essential.

You could be layering on or removing layering with your exercises.

Let me explain. To target lengthening of the psoas, you may need to:

  1. Foam roll the rectus femoris
  2. Foam roller the biceps femoris
  3. Stretch the rectus femoris
  4. Stretch vastus lateralis
  5. Activate gluteus maximus

Then finally, you can get to the psoas.

Each of the steps above removed layers of the muscle to get to the more profound power.

4. Sets, Reps, Tempo, Frequency, and Contraction Type

All of these vary with the exercise and the injury.

For example, in the sacroiliac pain solution, one of the exercises is prone to hip extension.

This exercise is also performed when someone has a jumper’s knee.

The sets, reps, tempo, and frequency of the exercise vary depending on if it is an SI joint injury of the jumper’s knee.

I am sure there is more, but I think you get the idea.

There is so much more to get the result you want from your exercises than the general movement and name of the practice.

REMEMBER: Question of the Week (Win DVDs)

Head over to the Exercises For Injuries Facebook Fan Page and answer this question:

What is your greatest challenge when rehabilitating an upper-body injury?

If you do, you can win a 4-DVD set of MIRU.

Yes, the ones that are not out yet.

Even if you miss the question of the week, make sure you go to the Fan Page because I plan on giving something away every week.

This is what the Fan Page looks like:

Now to one more question about the SI joint product.

Is this Good for New or Old SI Joint Injuries?


I was wondering if this product would help with an old SIJ Injury. In case the ligament seems overstretched and chronic.

In other words would your program be ideal for fresher injuries or would it deal with an old nagging one as well?



It is suitable for old and new SI common injuries.

After the initial flare-up process, I would do the stage 1 exercises in the program.

Even if someone has an old SI joint injury and is looking at preventing an SI communal flare-up, I would get them to do Stage 3 exercises.

Sacroiliac Pain Solution Digital Download

A Kind Word about MIRU

Congratulations again on MIRU. It is a tremendous resource that has proven extremely beneficial.

Having worked as a Professional Strength & Conditioning coach in the National Rugby League in Australia I am familiar with the prevalence of impact injuries of the upper body (particularly shoulder injuries).

MIRU has proven an extremely useful resource in providing methods of assessing and correcting muscle imbalances of the shoulder. In addition MIRU has proved a valuable resource in providing corrective and strengthening exercises for the neck and core as well as highlighting valuable soft tissue and myofascial treatment methods.

MIRU has assisted in improving my ability to assess and correct muscle imbalances of the upper body.   Our holistic approach to treating muscle imbalances from the initial assessment phase to the completion of the rehabilitation plans have improved as a result of this resource.

Lee Clark
High Performance Manager (Newcastle Jets A League) formally Performance Manager Newcastle Knights National Rugby league Team

One More Set of Kind Words About MIRU

What I like about the MIRU was that everything could be used ASAP.

I have shoulder problems myself and I was able to integrate a lot of the exercises in my routine. Also, the range of examples being presented in the DVD made me research more about anatomy, physiology and biomechanics. I truly love your product and would definitely recommend it to my peers.

MIRU has validated what I am currently doing with my clients. Sometimes I have doubts on whether I should be applying “fillers” or mobility exercises during the circuit itself but seeing that this is how professionals do it meant that I am following the right path.

Edsel Segovia
Personal Trainer
Toronto, Ontario

That is it for this week.

Thank you for your questions.

Until next week.

Rick Kaselj, MS