What is the #1 Aphrodisiac?

What is the #1 Aphrodisiac

Here’s the second part of my interview with Meredith Shirk about aphrodisiacs.

Learn the importance of knowing exactly what you are putting into your body to feel good and look great.

What is the #1 Aphrodisiac?

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video interview about Aphrodisiac

In the interview above, you will discover:

  • The number one aphrodisiac
  • How do aphrodisiacs overall interact with the body?
  • What are the best ways to consume aphrodisiacs?
  • What are some easy ways to get more aphrodisiacs in our lives?

I hope you enjoyed the interview.

If you missed the 1st part of the Aphrodisiac interview, you can check it here.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you are unable to watch or listen to the interview above, check out the transcript below. 

Okay. So we talked about a couple of fake ones. Now, what would be your number one aphrodisiac that we should try to consume every day or as often as we can?

Well, I’ve got a couple of favorites but my one favorite is actually moringa powder. First, I don’t know if anybody has heard of moringa powder before, but in 2012, moringa was actually deemed the world’s most useful tree. So moringa powder is actually taken from these deep dark evergreen leaves and it’s crushed and made into a powder. So you can put it in smoothies, you can put it on your salads. I put it in my tea so I have it probably every other day and it’s readily available. It works wonders for your skin, for your health, and for your sex life. So all of these things are amazing. y number one would definitely be moringa powder. So you guys need to look that up for sure.

Okay. And is it found in any particular foods or do you have to buy the powder?

moringa powder for sex drive- Aphrodisiac

Yes. You can buy the powder and add it. I mean, if you want to go with one food that is just out there, Goji Berries is a really great one. So those are my two go-to, moringa powder and goji berries and they can be used for literally anything you put on salads or smoothies. Like I said, I put it in my tea, you can use it just as a snack. So those are my two favorites.

Okay. How do aphrodisiacs interact with your body? You were talking about oysters and when you look deep, it has to relate to the high zinc content. How do aphrodisiacs overall interact with the body?

They interact with your body on a cellular level to affect the promotion and maintenance of your sex hormones. So things like zinc, magnesium, all these things stay in touch with your hormones at a cellular level so that you can feel good, you can look good, you can have great sex. So when you think about it, it all starts with what you’re putting into your body. When you’re eating processed foods and you’re not treating your body right you don’t feel sexy, you don’t have libido. But when you actually put foods in your body that are nutrient-dense like these aphrodisiacs, then you start to feel sexy, your sex hormones are taken care of and everything, all the maintenance is done there.

Okay. What are the best ways to consume these aphrodisiacs? You talked about the moringa powder and goji berries, what would be the best ways to consume them or add them to your life?

The best way to consume these aphrodisiacs is all-natural, organic, non-GMO, as clean as you can get it, and as almost as raw as you can get, to be honest, because when you start to cook some of these things they lose their nutrient power. Like I said, the moringa powder, you can add to your smoothies, you can add it to your salads, salad dressings, goji berries, the same kind of thing. So raw, unadulterated ingredients.

Cool. And then, what are some easy ways to get more aphrodisiacs into our lives?

Just in your everyday foods, if you can work just one into a certain meal. If you really love seafood, you love salmon, let’s say salmon is a great aphrodisiac because of those omegas, you have a piece of salmon for lunch. Or talking about the goji berries, sprinkle some of those on your salad. So it doesn’t have to be something that completely overtakes your life. You can add little bits at a time and you’ll start to feel and see that difference in your body, in your moods, in your energy, in your skin. So all of these things really promote wellness.

golgi berries for sexual function

Okay. Well, that ends up covering all the questions that I have for you about aphrodisiacs. Was there a question that I didn’t ask or is there something that you want to leave with viewers and listeners before we wrap up?

I think the biggest thing that I wanted to express to your listeners is just that, it really starts with what you’re putting into your body and it really is important that you know exactly what’s going in. And you have far more control over your hormones and over the way you feel and over the way you look by what you put in your body. It doesn’t all have to do with outside contaminants. It really has to do with what you’re putting in your body and you can have so much control over yourself if you just do those things.

And to expand on that point, it really does. Like if you take the time to read the labels, you’ll be amazed at what’s in there. If you take the time to look at what serving sizes are or what they recommend for serving sizes for anything that’s in a package you’ll be amazed at how sometimes the serving sizes are incredibly unrealistic.

Right. It’s just being knowledgeable about what you put in your body is so important, it’s so incredibly important. And when you fill your body with these nutritiously dense foods, like I said, you’re going to feel good, you’re going to look great and you’re going to have a great love life.

Awesome. Meredith, where can people get more information about you?

People can get more information at aphrodisiacsecret.com and then you can also go on to my blog at sveltetraining.com.

Awesome. So thank you very much, Meredith, for your time.

Thank you very much. Thank you for having me.

For your guide to the best foods to heal your body, check out The Best Foods that Rapidly Slim & Heal in 7 Days, here!

Best Foods That Rapidly Slim and Heal in 7 Days