Training the core offers numerous benefits beyond aesthetics, yet many approaches fail to align with evidence-based methods. Despite the plethora of exercises and tips available, research highlights a gap between effective core training techniques and common gym routines. Why does this disconnect persist, and how can we bridge it?
The core muscles are vital for maintaining a healthy spine and controlling other muscles in the body. Strong core muscles can help reduce the risk of falls and improve sports performance.

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I want to explain the #1 mistake I see when it comes to people training their core specifically for back health.
The mistake is that people don’t train the transverse plane of their core. They do not work on their core three-dimensionally.
An exercise that you can do for that is an Anti-Rotational Tubing Exercise.
I will get Orsy to demonstrate.
Why It’s A Mistake To Only Train Core Strength?
When runners start training for marathons, they’ll often increase the distance and intensity of their runs. Similarly, swimmers preparing for a big swim meet will add more volume to their stroke or do more distance swimming. Why? Because what they’re doing is increasing the conditioning of the muscles they use in their sport. Runners are increasing the amount of strength they have in the muscles they use during running and the amount of endurance they have in those same muscles. This is also true for swimmers – they’re not just building more strength in their strokes but also increasing the endurance they have in those muscles.
The Mistake: Not Including Core-Conditioning Exercises In Your Training ProgramAnd it would help if you were doing the same. It’s the only way to ensure that you’re not only building strength in your core but also conditioning the muscles to last longer in your lifts and other training. To do this, you need to include exercises in your training program that target your core’s ability to produce force, absorb force, and maintain posture – all of which are essential for a strong core.
Anti-Rotational Tubing Exercise
This exercise is not just for runners but also a great way to strengthen your core and reduce the risk of injury.
It is significant to avoid excessive twisting or to rotate your spine. Avoid activities that might cause pain or discomfort to your back.
You’ve got the tubing at about chest height. You are stepping away from wherever that tubing is fixed. You hold that tubing out front at about chest height. Hold it for about 10 seconds, and then you can lean off the tension and then go into another repetition.
Progression #1
You can progress and make it harder by moving the hands closer and away.
Progression #2
The next thing you can do is move the hands up to 45 degrees and then move them down to 45 degrees below.
If you don’t have a place to do this exercise, you can still do it by holding onto a resistance band. It’s a similar movement but with a twist. The best way to do this is to stand away from the band. Step one foot on top of the resistance band and hold the other straight out in front of you. Then slowly lean forward while keeping your back straight. But then twist slightly so that your right-hand moves over toward your left hip, and your left-hand moves toward your right hip while keeping your back straight.
You can use these two exercises at home and the gym. They teach you how to move efficiently and with the correct form. They also strengthen your muscles and improve your posture. The best part? They are fun!
There you go!
When we talk about training your core, most of the time, people don’t do it three-dimensionally. They are working in one plane only, maybe forward and back, and doing
If you want to achieve your dream abs without the risk of getting injured, then check out the Invincible Core program here:
Rick Kaselj, MS