In this article, we will go through the must-do back and shoulder pain relief exercises.
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1. Standing Back Arch
In standing position, but the hands on the hips get a good stretch in the shoulders and arch the back to improve mobility when it comes to the low back and mid-back areas.
Standing Back Arch
In this exercise, we are improving the mobility in the whole spine to help relieve back pain | 404. We are also improving the shoulder’s mobility and flexibility to help ease shoulder pain.
Perform one set of 5 reps in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the end position for 1 to 2 seconds, and we are looking for a light stretch in the shoulder and light mobility and movement happening in the spine.
2. Downward Punch Exercise
In this exercise, we are going to use some weights or dumbbells. If you do not have dumbbells, you can go without weights, but weights help a little bit when it comes to guiding the movement.
Do a downward punch. In standing position, with a good alignment of the head and shoulders, grab the weights and punch down then repeat back and forth.
Downward Punch Exercise
In this exercise, we are putting the shoulder in a better position when punching down and decreasing the stress in the upper neck area and mid-back area. This is more of a mobility or posture exercise, decreasing tension in the muscles exercised.
Perform one set of 5 reps in a smooth, controlled movement, holding the bottom position for a stop of 1 to 2 seconds with light intensity.
3. Vertical Hanging Exercise
Find a door frame, reach up and grab the door frame. Raise your arms straight above your shoulders. Bend through the knees and drop the hips to increase the stretch that you feel in your shoulders and back area.
Vertical Hanging Exercise
This is an excellent exercise to loosen up the muscles in the back and shoulder to relieve pain.
Perform one set of 5 reps, starting with 5 seconds then progress to 15 seconds with an intensity of the light stretch in the shoulders and back area.
Indication: If you have stiff or tight shoulders, this is a great exercise.
Contraindication: DO NOT DO the vertical hanging exercise if you have sloppy shoulders like they pop in and out or dislocated. I do not recommend doing this exercise.
Modified Vertical Hanging Exercise
If you are not able to get your hands right over your head because of back or shoulder pain, then you can reach up to the point that you can and then bend the knees and drop the hips, getting a light stretch in the shoulders and back area.
Modified Vertical Hanging Exercise
So, there you go, those were the three great exercises to do for back and shoulder pain relief.
If you want to heal, lengthen and strengthen the muscles and tendons near your shoulders, loosen your shoulder joint and reshape your shoulder so that you can reduce and eliminate your shoulder pain and prevent it from occurring again in the future, then check out the Shoulder Pain Solved program, here!
Take care!
Rick Kaselj, MS