MUST Do Ab Exercise That is Easy on the Back

I am working through all the fantastic feedback I’ve received about Invincible Core, particularly focusing on incorporating easy ab exercises to make core workouts more accessible and effective for everyone.

Now, I wanted to thank you and give you a gift.

I am known as the “Injury Guy”, which is cool. It is amazing to have millions of people that have read my blog and watched my YouTube videos. Plus have over 100,000 people use my tips and tricks to overcome pain and injury.

I am very thankful.

Now, to your gift. One of my areas of specialty is the shoulder. I prepared a video about it called 5 WORST Exercises For Your Shoulders & How to Fix Them.

You can watch the video here.

It will help highlight exercises that you might be doing that are bad for your shoulder.

Before I go, today I have an exercise for you that fires up the ab but is easy on the back.

A good ab exercise that is easy on the back?


Give it a go.

~ Rick


In this article and video, I will go through simple killer ab exercises.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

You are going to lie down on your back, your knees are bent and you are going to do the dead bug exercise. I am going to go through 3 progressions for the dead bug exercise so you can pick the level that you are at.

1. Dead Bug (with Arm Movement)

Dead Bug with Arm Movement

 Dead Bug (with Arm Movement)

The starting position is bringing your knees up over hips. Your knees are bent at 90 degrees and bring your arms over your shoulders. The first progression is just moving your arms. Bring your arms overhead and then back to the starting position.

Now, level two is just moving your legs.

2. Dead Bug (with Leg Movement)

Dead Bug with Leg Movement - easy ab exercises

 Dead Bug (with Leg Movement)

You are reaching down with one leg, coming back to the start, and just alternating back and forth and going through a smooth controlled movement.

The third progression is alternating arms and legs.

3. Dead Bug (Alternating Arm & Leg Movement)

Dead Bug with Alternating Movement - easy ab exercises

 Dead Bug (Alternating Arm & Leg Movement)

Arm overhead, opposite legs reaching and then switching sides.

The key thing to remember is that your abdominal area is active and tight. You are just focusing on moving in that shoulder area and hip area. You are going through nice, slow and controlled movement of the arms and legs.

Start off with 5 repetitions on each side. You  should feel like you have worked and that you feel like you have done something. If it feels too easy, you can progress to10 repetitions.

If you are looking for more exercises that help strengthen your core, tighten your abs, slim your waist and flatten your stomach, then check out the Invincible Core program here.

Invincible Core

Rick Kaselj, MS
