Best Stretch for Your Lower Back

Best Stretch for Your Lower Back

The best stretch for your lower back will loosen up tight muscles, increase blood flow, and help with mobility, so you no longer feel as much tension.

Well, this week, I have been talking about back pain.

I hope you have enjoyed the last few videos and articles.

If you missed them, you could check them out here:

Now, here’s what I have for you today.

Rick Kaselj, MS

I wanted to go through the best stretch for the lower back. This is called the Cat and Dog Stretch.

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I had Orsy go through the stretch.

Cat & Dog Stretch

Move into the four-point position with your hands directly underneath your shoulders. You don’t want your hands too far forward because that can put unnecessary stress on your shoulders. Your knees should be directly underneath your hips, and your knees are about hip-width apart. This allows you to focus on your back and work on the mobility in your spine.

The Cat and Dog Stretch

The Cat and Dog Stretch loosen up those tight areas in the spine and works on mobility in the spine.

The first movement is the dog stretch. On an inhale, bring your head up, drop your chest, arch through your back, and tilt your pelvis forward. The next movement is the cat stretch. On your next exhale, tilt your pelvis back, rounding out the mid-back and dropping your head. Press away from the ground and look toward your belly button. Stretch where you feel light resistance and then stretch in the opposite direction.

Cat and Dog Stretch 2 pose

Hold the dog position for about a second and then move opposite the cat’s stretch. Inhale into a dog, exhale into a cat. Go through 5 to 10 repetitions of the exercise. You will probably notice that you can go a little further as you loosen up your neck, mid-back, and pelvis. This is an excellent lower backstretch.

There you go, now it’s your turn! Please get the best stretch you can do for your lower back. Please give it a go before you exercise to loosen up that lower back. You can do it before working out, you can do it when you wake up, and you can do it in the evening to loosen up that lower back.

Give that exercise a go, and let me know how it goes.

Make sure to swing by There is a good chance I have a video, an interview, or a blog post on your injury or pain. Enter your injury or pain into the search bar on the top right of the screen. There is a good chance I have something for you that will help you.

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you want to end your nagging back pain and get back to pain-free workouts, click here to check out the Low Back Pain Solved program.

Low Back Pain Solved