Easy Coracobrachialis Trigger Point Release Exercise

Easy Coracobrachialis Trigger Point Release Exercise

There are easy coracobrachialis trigger point release exercises that you can perform as a workout routine.

I am coming to you from San Diego.

Yesterday, I was in Irvine, California. (Sorry, in yesterday’s email, I said I was in San Diego).

Yesterday was a great day of coaching and teaching over 40 professionals.

Rick Kaselj teaching Coracobrachialis Trigger Point

In the future, I hope to meet you and help you.

Now moving to this morning. I woke up and headed for a walk and came across this…

San Diego Grass Coracobrachialis Trigger Point


In the cement landscape of San Diego, they have to create grass for dogs that live down here.

Okay, I have a great video for you today.

I did a previous video in which I discussed two stretches that help target the coracobrachialis. In that video, I forgot to mention the coracobrachialis’s functions[1]; it helps move the shoulder into flexion, move the shoulder into adduction, and stabilize the shoulder. In this video, I wanted to go through a quick exercise that you can do to release the coracobrachialis.

It isn’t a primary mover. It is more of a secondary muscle that assists the primary movers. According to a 2016 study[2], if that coracobrachialis has excess tension or shortens up, it affects the position of the shoulder and can affect the posture and stability of the shoulder. It is often an overlooked shoulder muscle when it comes to shoulder posture and shoulder rehab.

Coracobrachialis Trigger Point

CLICK HERE to watch the YouTube video.

I wanted to go through an exercise you can do to release the coracobrachialis. I had Donnalee demonstrate.

1st Step Inspection and Palpation

The first step is to palpate and find it. Bring your arm up and move your hand almost into your armpit, looking at going between your biceps and triceps.

Coracobrachialis Release Inspection and Palpation

Inspection and Palpation

The coracobrachialis tends to indent where it connects in the middle of the upper arm. Find that area. You can even start up in the armpit area and then move down the bone until you find the sensitive area.

2nd Step Pressing with Fingers or Thumb

Push on the muscle with your fingers or your thumb. Rock side to side and up and down.

Coracobrachialis Release Pressing with Fingers or Thumb

Pressing with Fingers or Thumb

3rd Step Pressing with a Ball

First, find the area with your hands in between the biceps in that sensitive area. You may also choose to bring a ball into it. Press the ball up against your body. Press it against your body as you press it into the coracobrachialis, and then rock it forward and back. You can also move it up a little bit more towards the armpit area.

Coracobrachialis Release Pressing with a Ball

Pressing with a Ball

Start gently and then progress, depending on how it feels. A key thing to remember with this is there are several nerves and connective tissue in that armpit area, and you don’t want to irritate something else located in this area. You don’t want to be overly aggressive when doing this exercise.

Final Thoughts

Give that a go to release the coracobrachialis and refer back to that previous video where I talked about stretching the coracobrachialis. What works out well is to do the release on the coracobrachialis and then go through that specific stretch that targets the coracobrachialis.

Enter your injury or pain. There’s a good chance I have an article, a video, or an interview that will help you overcome your injury or pain. Make sure to swing by ExercisesForInjuries.com.

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

Check out the 11 Daily Stretches to Feel and Look Amazing for your daily stretching routine to look better!

11 Daily Stretches to Feel and Look Amazing