Frank Dempsey – ON, Canada

Since I started doing the 14-Day Heart Health Quick Start program, I feel much stronger. The workouts are refreshing and definitely cause me to feel good. My diet is already quite clean now.

The “Heart Health Matters” guidebook is probably the best component, although the exercise guide would be a close second. This a good general guide covering all of the basics in sufficient detail to get the friend started with a good exercise program and a cleaned-up diet.

I would definitely recommend this program as it comes from a reliable, trustworthy source of health & wellness information.

Lisa Meninno – Maine, USALisa Meninno – Maine, USA

I tried Physical Therapy so many times but no avail. I did not give up my quest to help myself without going under the knife then I purchased the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program. After day one, I can already feel the improvement! You have given me my life back! You’re a Godsend.

I cannot thank you enough for such a simple program that works! I will shout this program to the world because simply. It is no joke, just an absolutely honest and easy way to loosen that tightness that was interrupting my life.

I am so grateful and had to tell you what this program has done for me!

Russell D. – IT Professional

Before getting the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program, I experienced pain in my lower back and hips that I attributed to an old motorcycle injury from 40 years earlier. I went to a Chiropractor but didn’t get any relief.

After doing this program for roughly two months, I was back without pain and was able to restart working out with free weights again.

William Dunn – Manhattan, KS, USA

The Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program has definitely satisfied to achieve my goals. What I also like about your program is it is not too long or encased with many exercises to perform. I feel like I am able to get in and perform them in a matter of minutes instead of an hour or spending my entire morning at the gym.

Lynne Gully – Timbaki, Crete, Greece

Before starting the Best Gluteus Maximus Exercise program, I felt that my pelvis was very unstable. I was in pain from spasms in my hip and back.

After doing the Best Gluteus Maximus Exercises, my life has improved so much. I am no longer in pain and my pelvis is more stable.

Sandra Taylor – Nova Scotia, Canada

I started doing the Flexibility Over 40 Handbook program, minimally as I have limited range of motion and can get really sore if I do too much. These exercises helped me considerably to just function at a more comfortable level.

I would have to say that the biggest benefit to me is that my body feels happier. Muscles are stronger, even with just a little effort, which always seems to soothe my joints.

Kris Nudo – Poway, California, USA

I started the Low Impact – High Results @ Home Workout program for the first time yesterday. It is fairly easy even after a right full knee replacement.

Rick Kaselj’s philosophy of rehabilitation is great, and I have even recommended his program for hip/back problems to my significant other and he definitely feels the program is working for him.

Chris Theriault – Valatie, NY, USA

My lower back was really bothering me, which prompted me to get the Low Back Pain Solved Program. The exercises definitely helped me to feel better. I recommend this program!

Ailsa Paltridge – Tower Hill, VI, AustraliaAilsa Paltridge – Tower Hill, VI, Australia

The Low Back Pain Solved program has helped with strength & flexibility. The exercises are also quick to do and don’t take any specialized equipment. Very effective!

Carolyn Rahe – Elkhart, IN, USACarolyn Rahe – Elkhart, IN, USA

The Unlock Your Hip Flexors book alone is worth the price. I have been reading every word, from the beginning. It is full of information about the body’s physiology and why the hip flexors are so important.

It is well put-together and the large print and size make it easy to read; full of clear explanations of the anatomy involved, with clear photos and illustrations.

I have not started the exercises yet because I am enjoying learning about the hip flexors! Thank you!

Debra Burner – Caldwell, ID, USA

The 7 Best Daily Habits for a Healthy Happy Back DVD is working great. We are ranchers so our lives are filled with lots of movement.

Thank you for making all of this information available!

Sharon Johnson – Oamaru, North Otago, New ZealandSharon Johnson – Oamaru, North Otago, New Zealand

Ever since I started using The Top 10 Morning Movements to Loosen Up Your Joints DVD program, I feel freer in my joints. It no longer feels as though I am walking using tree stumps when I get up in the morning.

Today, when I got up off the floor after my exercises I did not groan or gasp! Thank you so much for all the information you share. I appreciate the depth of the explanations and trust what you say. It is much appreciated!

Kadri Kullman – Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia

I like Stretching to Increase Metabolism program very much. Even after some days of doing those, I feel more energized and I already feel more flexible. It takes not more than 10 minutes. Fantastic!

Jacqueline Lanoix – St. Laurent, QC, CanadaJacqueline Lanoix – St. Laurent, QC, Canada

I would describe the Low Back Pain Solved program as the program you’re looking for to take you from debilitating low back pain to pain-free back in a few days.

The exercises are very easy to perform and provide almost instant pain relief. You are in charge of deciding when you’re ready to jump to the next level. Once you’ve been pain-free for a few days, it’s a good idea to start a strengthening program to restore your strong back.


I ordered the Piriformis Syndrome Solved program because of debilitating pain when standing in place or walking. I couldn’t find any comfortable position while in bed, which resulted in many hours of constant cramping/burning pain and loss of sleep.

I knew of a few stretch/exercises from a previous episode of Piriformis Syndrome but learned many more, effective stretch exercises from Rick Kaselj. My pain became less soon after using the Piriformis Syndrome Solved program. It has different stages of exercises that you can progress through every 2-3 weeks, and shows you how to minimize the chance of recurrence of Piriformis pain.

The best benefit of this program is that it is complete with staged treatments and maintenance exercises. It has easy to learn videos and PDF manuals with explanations that you can refer to. The cost for the program is nominal for all the long-term benefits you get.

Kenneth Fisco – Twinsburg, OH, USA

I have tried the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and ever since I did the program, I have less back pain now and able to stand up longer without my back tightening.

Teresa Oldham – Bloomington, IN, USA

Aside from the Best Gluteus Medius Exercises, I’m also doing the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and these two seem to be helping already with the pain and functionality of my hip, which has been bound up and painful for a long time. I also like that each follow-along exercise only takes 9 to 12 minutes, so it’s easy to throw in before a standard workout.

Roland Bérard – Videotron – Brossard, QC, Canada

The exercises in the Best Deal Bundle program are thorough, well-presented, effective, and better than the Physio I have been seeing. I saw results very quickly. I am now in the second stage of the shoulder tear, while my girlfriend had the same results for the meniscus program.

It helped me and my girlfriend enormously. I’m glad I took the chance. I got really good value for my money. Thank you!

Tracy Kitching – Malaga, SpainTracy Kitching – Malaga, Spain

I’ve been doing Stage 1 of the Sacroiliac Pain Solution program for less than a week and I am already seeing results. I’m sleeping better, the pain down the outside of my left leg no longer wakes me in the night and I no longer have constant pain down my leg.

I feel stronger and more confident than I have for ages. I know that this program will eventually cure me. I am so happy!

I’ve got my life back and I cannot thank you enough Rick!

LuAnne B. – New York, NY, USALuAnne B. – New York, NY, USA

With just 2 weeks of doing the Shoulder Pain Solved program, I began to notice that my shoulder was indeed beginning to improve and have less pain and better mobility. I no longer wake with pain in the middle of the night.

I even notice that my neck has a better range of motion, and I hadn’t even realized that it was limited. I also love that it is easy to do and effective.

Penny DeLong – Jacksonville, PA, USA

“I have been battling with low back and hip pain and doing the Best Gluteus Maximus Exercises has helped alleviate these pain. I love everything about the program and I can say that this is the best exercise I have found to relieve my pain!”

Elizabeth Wilkes – West Virginia, New Zealand

I’d say that the Best Gluteus Medius Exercises is effective and target a muscle group that’s usually neglected.

Glenn Williams – Grand Junction, CO, USAGlenn Williams – Grand Junction, CO, USA

The Neck Pain Solved program has a nice streamline of exercises that targets treatment areas that Chiroprators and Therapists overlooked.

I also like that the programs are set up so that a variety of ages and levels can pick these programs up.

Gabriele O’Neill – Lower lake, CA, USAGabriele O’Neill – Lower lake, CA, USA

After more than three weeks of numbness and tingling, my leg and foot are better now and my hip and sacrum feel great also! Thanks to the 14-Day Joint Recovery Quick Start program.

I am truly grateful to have found your material.

James Kalonick – St. Clairsville, OH, USAJames Kalonick – St. Clairsville, OH, USA

Considering the short period of time I have been using the Scapular Stabilization Exercise program, I feel so much better now.

I have less pain with greater range of movement and a feeling of relaxation in my shoulders and upper back.

Peter Tacon – Mandurah, WA, Australia

The 10 Easy Movements For A Stronger Core product is the best exercise program that I’ve spent money on. I tried it last night and for the first time, I slept without any pain.

DeDe Appleby – Arlington, Texas, USA

These simple exercises from the 10 Easy Movements For Stronger Knees program helped my hurting knee to feel better. Now, it is so much lighter.

There are also different versions of the same exercise to choose from, so you are getting a simpler exercise with the same effect.

Deborah LaClair – OR, USA

“Before I got Unlock Your Hip Flexor, I had been in such pain that I couldn’t walk very far at all. I told my doctor I had a bad pain in the center of my hip, I couldn’t explain where the pain. Eventually, one of my doctors referred me to physical therapy and the therapist informed me of the hip flexor and the psoas muscle. She gave me a couple of exercises to do, but then she did a pressure point maneuver that actually worked! The pain was gone! But it came back shortly after. It was a temporary fix.

I then saw the ad of Unlock Your Hip Flexors. The exercises were so much more involved and easy. They had the greatest impact! I got so much information, and am now able to walk as far as I want! This program has made my quality of life so much better! And to think, I went for at least a decade with this horrible pain in my hip! How can I ever thank you enough for the relief I’ve received! All I have to do are these simple exercises and it changed my life…

Thanks so much!

Judy Hahn – Daytona Beach, FL, USA

The reason I bought the Low Impact – High Results @ Home Workout program was that I have a torn gluteus medial muscle. The program is helping to stretch the muscles and ease the pain.

What I like best about the program is that there is a variety of exercises that I can do.

Christy Svatson – Rolling Prairie, IN, USA

Before I started using the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio, my life was mostly sedentary due to my knee replacements. When I started using the Cardio For Those Who Hate Cardio program, I feel more alert and energetic.

Bernard Lapointe – Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada

The Knee Pain Solved program is well-explained and easy to follow. I just finished Stage 1 and I am very pleased with the result.

The pain is practically gone and I gained more flexibility.

Mike Singer – Indian Harbour Beach, FL, USA

So far, I can say that the Hip Replacement Handbook program is comprehensive and excellent. The first areas worked on keeping the blood flowing, then getting the motion back. Also, they worked on balance.

I am doing very well and my new hips have totally restored me to a new life.

Colleen Enns – Winnipeg, MB, Canada

The Plantar Fasciitis Relief In 7 Days program is a short but effective program that you can do 2 to 3 times a week. I have only been doing the exercises for about three days now but it has already made a big difference.

Cornelia Schuster – Union, KY, USACornelia Schuster – Union, KY, USA

“The Unlock Your Hip Flexors program works! I have been working with PTs, Chiropractor and massage therapists. I am also a personal trainer but none of these help to unlock my left hip.

I’ve been doing this for a week and I am in shock. I’m sitting here currently in no pain. I know I’m not yet done but this is really amazing. I’ve been doing them all and now I feel strong and very flexible. This is truly a godsend program.

Get it! Do it!”

Giselle Von Klitzing – Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Just want to let you know that I enjoy the Balance Training Handbook program. I do all exercises without breaking any sweat. They are easy and effective!

Jamia Hill – Retired, Michoacán, MexicoJamia Hill – Retired, Michoacán, Mexico

Thanks for always checking in and creating the Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workout. It is a very do-able exercise sets. It makes me feel like I can succeed in adding regular exercise to my life despite my limitations.

Elizabeth Wilkes – Wellington, New Zealand

I have now downloaded the Balance Training Handbook and obediently tried the first exercise at the first level. I am glad I made myself do it as it was easy and effective!

Francine Sangovanni – New York, NY, USA

One of the things I like about the Strong & Stable Stability Ball Workout is it involves frequent use of different muscles to maintain balance to perform the exercises. The exercises feel different when done on the ball than done just standing. Also, doing upper and lower body exercises without having to get up and down from the floor is a huge plus. It seems much less likely to get injured on the ball.

Sharon Rooyen – Cape Town, South AfricaSharon Rooyen – Cape Town, South Africa

“I purchased the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and currently using it most days of the week. It definitely works! I feel so loose after. Just do it consistently to have the long-term benefits.”

Peter West – Methil, Fife, ScotlandPeter West – Methil, Fife, Scotland

I have been doing the Bodyweight Blender exercises since I downloaded them. It is good, simple and not too difficult to do. The program is also well-thought-out. I will probably include some into my Yoga classes so some of my students can gain the benefit of it.

Dan Kuss – Thunder Bay, ONDan Kuss – Thunder Bay, ON

Well, I have been doing Stage 1 twice a day for 2 weeks and I did notice less pain in the morning when getting out of bed. I also like the follow along videos, they insure that I get the correct form for the exercises. I like the fact that the exercises are quick and pretty easy to do almost anywhere. When I am away from home and a PC, I use the Exercise Tracking Sheet. I also like the fact that I got some answers for my questions quite quickly back in day 2. With those answers came 3 links to some very good information on Plantar Fasciitis Solved! 28-Day Challenge program. Thanks for that.

From what I have seen in just Stages 1 and 2, I would say that it is a progressive stretching program that involves not only the foot but also the ankles, calves, thighs and hips. The program also targets ankle flexibility. There is more information here than on other health sites.

Kristine Northey – Thornlie, WA, USAKristine Northey – Thornlie, WA, USA

I have only done one day of the Effective Rotator Cuff Exercises and I have found improvement in pain and range of motion.

I can really feel a difference. I do not enjoy the gym but I can manage your exercises. Thanks for your work. It is good to know that there may be a way to move from pain, to pain-free!

Bruce Lanham – Chicago, IL, USABruce Lanham – Chicago, IL, USA

“I have the Unlock Your Hip Flexors and Manual for a while now and I have followed it. I used to have different hip pains and back issues. But since I have been diligent with the program, I feel 100% better and move so much better. I can run again without pain and pain from compensating for the pain.”

Naomi Wyndham – New South Wales, AUNaomi Wyndham – New South Wales, AU

“I have a history of a rotated pelvis, tight glutes and hamstrings and all over muscle tension. I can barely walk, and certainly unable to walk upright due to severe lower back and hip pain.

I downloaded the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program and proceeded to follow the routine. I continued through each exercise and feel the difference in my body. I was able to stand upright and walk!

I am in awe of the immediate impact such simple exercises/stretches have had on my body. I spent only 15 minutes going through the routine, but already feel strong, and able to engage my core while standing, which I have struggled to do for some time now.

I want to thank you for this program. It is going to transform my life!”

Nancy Shelton – Kirkland, WA, USA

What has been going on with me before I got the Fit for Life Tubing Workout program was nothing but an extensive infection. Thankfully, it is clearing up now. So, I will continue doing it to strengthen my body with your excellent program!

Jayne Barker – Stoke-on-Trent, UK

I’m loving the stretches, I have Fibromyalgia and sometimes just getting out of bed and walking to the kitchen is excruciatingly painful. However, since I started doing the 11 Daily Stretches to Feel and Look Amazing program immediately after getting up, the walk to the kitchen is so much better, and I’m finding the pain throughout the day is also lessening.

Chuck Morris – Covington, LA, USAChuck Morris – Covington, LA, USA

I was having a hard time trying to make it to the gym for a workout. I had started a new lifestyle change with eating properly (small portions, high protein, low carbs, 6 times a day) and needed to add an exercise program. Fit For Life Tubing Workout was the perfect answer. Following the 60-Day Workout Plan, I can do the exercises first thing in the morning in my home office and get a good start on my day.

I just started the Fit For Life Tubing Workout this week, so all I can say is I like it. I’m 71 years old and the work out so far has proven challenging, but I’m really enjoying it. I start with the videos and do the 5 reps of each exercise with Jenna to learn the exercise, then start over and do 2 sets of each of the Getting Started and Healthy Workout exercises of 10 reps or more each. It may take a little while before I can move up to the Invincible Workout, but right now that’s my goal to work towards.

Anne Hougas – Monroe, WI, USA

I’ve just gotten started with the Unlock Your Hip Flexors program but I’ve been able to do all of the exercises. I especially like the plank because I hurt my wrists doing chin ups, and I was worried about losing that strength in my upper arms. I have only done the one where I go from side to side, not the one where I kick my leg up, but I’ll get there eventually. I also like that it doesn’t take very long, as well. I use the treadmill 5-6 times a week for 30 minutes (or long enough to get 2 miles). And I’ve been doing the Unlock Your Hip Flexors every other day while I’m learning the routine. What I really appreciate is the demo video that shows how to do each exercise correctly.

I’m 66, and staying active is very important to me. I ride horses so having good hip movement is important.

Janet Dunn – Fredericksburg, VA, USAJanet Dunn – Fredericksburg, VA, USA

I enjoy watching your videos and trying them. I got the Balance Training Handbook because I had had two bad falls and don’t have good balance.

I have had Spasmodic Torticollis for 29 years. It has been a struggle, but I stayed strong until 5 years ago. I went from being strong to being totally weak. So, I decided if I was going to live, I had to get with it and work at it. I have very weak days where I can’t do the exercises. The change in weather and the drug I take and also insomnia don’t help. But I’ve had days where I’ve worked all morning doing one video after the other.

The program helped me to have some hope for strength again when I’m not in the “fog”. I enjoy doing it although the last 3 sequence is still a challenge. Thanks!

Larry Frazier – Conroe, TX, USA

I am 65 and last May, I was diagnosed with Congested Heart Failure. And by doing the workouts on the Jumpers Knee Solution program, it helped me regain muscle and strength.

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