The Absolute Best Exercise of the Year

The Absolute Best Exercise of the Year

Today, I will share the one and only, absolute best exercise of the year, which is the burpee. This is the best exercise every single year.

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We are going to go through three different levels of the burpee. Often, people will see the intermediate or advanced level of the burpee and feel that they cannot do the exercise. But, there are many ways to do the burpee. Make sure you try out the different variations and find what works for you.

1. Snowman Level (Beginner)

Snowman Level (Beginner) best exercise

Snowman Level (Beginner)

In a standing position, reach over your head. This is step one. Move into a deep squat. This is step two. Place your hands on the floor and bring your legs back into a plank. This is step three. Then, reverse the movement by stepping your feet back, coming into the deep squat position, standing up and reaching up. The reach is often overlooked but is important as it works on shoulder health and core strength. The deep squat is important for what we do on a day-to-day basis as well as for performance. The plank position is important for strength in the core and shoulder health.

Perform one set of 5 reps in a smooth, controlled movement, with a good stop at each position at a low intensity.

2. Elf Level (Intermediate)

Elf Level (Intermediate) best exercise

Elf Level (Intermediate)

Perform the regular burpee exercise but add a little hop. Instead of having three distinct movements, try to bring them all together for this variation. Jump up and reach, hop from the squat back to the plank, hop your feet back to the squat, and then jump up as you reach your arms up.

Perform one set of 10 reps, moving quickly from one position to another at a moderate intensity.

3. Reindeer Level (Advanced)

Reindeer Level (Advanced)

Reindeer Level (Advanced)

Perform the regular burpee exercise, adding a tuck jump and push-up. When you jump up, tuck your knees in toward your chest. There is no reach here with the hands. Hop straight back into a plank, no need to come into a squat. Once in the plank position, go through one pushup. Then, hop your feet back and jump up, tucking your knees in.

Perform one set of 10 reps quickly, moving from one position to another at a moderate to high intensity.

So there you go, that is the absolute best exercise of the year. The burpee is an awesome exercise that can be modified depending on what level you are at. Give it a go!

Final Word

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

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