4 Easy Exercises for Shoulder and Back Pain Relief

4 Easy Exercises for Shoulder Back Pain Relief

Today, I will share the video with Andrea on four easy exercises for shoulder and back pain relief. 

Hey, happy Friday. I’m excited to share a new video today that will help you with your shoulder or back pain.

Speaking of videos, I finished a video shoot with Donnalee yesterday. We were also joined by Jenna, a student who will be helping me with some of my YouTube and blog stuff. So, watch out for more videos from us coming up this summer.

Have a great weekend.

Pain in the shoulders, neck, or back can make it difficult to carry out simple tasks like going for a walk, shopping, or even just sitting. Pain can also lead to numbness and tingling, which can be uncomfortable and dangerous. There are several ways to reduce back pain, including changes in your lifestyle, exercise routines, and medication. 

Although these options help with pain relief, they don’t always offer long-term solutions. Here are some other exercises that are easy and effective for alleviating pain.

I got Andrea to demonstrate.

1. Sitting Thread the Needle

The sitting thread the needle exercise is a great way to improve your balance and posture. It’s also great to work out your abs and burn calories. While this exercise may look easy for shoulder and back pain relief, it’s quite challenging. Pay attention as you try out this exercise for yourself!

To do this exercise, sit near the edge of a chair with your legs hip to shoulder-width apart. Bend over and stretch your left arm under your right leg. Try to stretch the arm and the shoulder through. We are targeting three different areas: the midback area, the low-back area, and along one side.

Sitting Thread the NeedleSitting Thread the Needle

Perform one set of 5 repetitions on each side for 10 repetitions, holding the end position for a second or two.

2. Chair Side Bend

If you want to work on your back but don’t know the correct technique, then you can always do Chair Side Bend. This exercise will help strengthen and tone your back muscles, reduce joint stress and strain, increase blood flow to your back area, and relieve muscle tension. This guide will teach you how to do the exercises correctly to get the most out of your workout.

Chairside bends are a great way to exercise your core, pelvic floor muscles, and lower back. They can also help improve your balance, so you won’t have to worry about falling when you’re out and about. Be sure to keep breathing throughout this exercise to avoid any unnecessary muscle fatigue or strain.

Sit upright in the middle of the chair. Bring your arm above your head, and bend over to one side. Engage your core muscles, keeping them tight in the stomach. Focus more on bending from the midback or low-back area. We are working on loosening up the mid and low back while stretching out the hip and lats.

Chair Side BentChair Side Bend

Perform one set of 5 repetitions on each side for a total of 10 repetitions for shoulder and back pain relief.

3. Chair Arches

Chair arches work both your chest, shoulders, abdominal muscles and back. You will feel the burn in your abs as you stretch them out and contract your chest muscles. This is also a great way to build up strength in your upper body for lifting heavy objects or doing any other activity requiring upper muscle strength.

Sit upright on a chair. Lace your fingers behind your head, and then arch back. Bringing the elbows back will create a stretch in the front of the shoulder. Work on tightening up the midback is, stretching the midback muscles that tend to be weak when it relates to shoulder pain.

Chair ArchesChair Arches

Perform one set of 5 repetitions, holding the end position for a second or two.

4. Prisoner Squat

The Prisoner Squat exercise is a great way to strengthen your hips and develop your lower body. It’s simple, and you can do it anywhere or anytime to maintain or improve your squatting ability. When done correctly, the Prisoner Squat is a challenging but safe exercise that increases strength, balance, coordination, and mobility and is good for shoulder and back pain relief.

Lace your hands behind your head, pull your elbows back, and go through a squatting movement. Squatting is good for strengthening the legs. A strong lower body helps achieve a stronger back. When squatting, try to get as deep as you can. This should target the glutes and the hamstrings. Loosening up the midback muscles helps bring back those shoulders.

Prisoner Squat MovementPrisoner Squat

Perform one set of 5 repetitions, holding the bottom position for a second or two in a smooth, controlled movement.

Give those four exercises a go. These are quick shoulder and back pain exercises that you can go through.

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you want to end your shoulder discomfort permanently, click here to check out the Shoulder Pain Solved program.

Shoulder Pain Solved