5 Best Back Pain Exercises

5 Best Back Pain Exercises

Back pain affects many people, and it can be extremely debilitating. Try out these five exercises for back pain and find some relief.

1. Cat-cow Exercise

Start in a four-point kneeling position. Drop your head, round up your midback and lower back, tilt your pelvis back, and hold that position for a second, and then move in the opposite direction. Lift your head up, drop your shoulders, tilt your pelvis forward, and drop your stomach. Repeat the movement.

best exercises for back pain

Cat-cow Exercise

Start with one set of 5 reps in each direction. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the top position.

The intensity is light. This exercise focuses on the mobility of the whole spine area.

A lot of times, back pain is related to stiffness and tightness in the spine. This mobility exercise loosens things up to help overcome back pain.

2. Downward Dog Into Plank

Start in a push-up or straight-arm plank position. Tighten your abdominal area. Legs are both hip-width apart. Push through the arms, slowly pull your hips backward, hold that position for a second, and then go back into the start position. Repeat the movement.

Downward Dog Into Plank - best exercises for back pain

Downward Dog Into Plank

Start off with one set of 5 reps. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the end position for 1 to 2 seconds. The intensity is light.

This exercise mainly focuses on the core abdominal area and works on the flexibility of the shoulders and the core of the shoulder blade muscles.

3. Glute Bridge

Lie on your back to the floor and put your hands to the side. Relax the upper body. Legs are both hip-width apart. Tighten the abdominal area, and push through the heels. Bring the hips up in line with the knees, hips, and shoulders. Hold that position for a second, bring the hips back down, and then repeat the movement.

Glute Bridge

Glute Bridge

Start off with one set of 5 reps. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stop at the top position. The intensity is light.

This exercise mainly targets the core abdominal area and works on the hamstrings and glutes.

4. Seated Spinal Twist

Begin the best exercises for back pain in a nice and upright cross-legged sitting position. Rotate through the shoulders, grab your right knee with the left hand, and bring the other hand behind you. Then, pull a little bit further. Go back to the start position, and then repeat the movement to the opposite side.

Seated Spinal Twist

Seated Spinal Twist

Start off with one set of 5 reps on each side. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good stretch at the end position for about 2 to 3 seconds. The intensity is light.

This exercise works on the mobility of the spine — specifically the midback and lower back areas.

5. Half-moon Pose

Begin in a nice, tall standing position. Bring the feet together. Put your arms overhead, and interlace the fingers and point out the index finger. Bend to one side as far as you can, and then bend to the opposite side.

Half-moon Pose - best exercises for back pain

Half-moon Pose

Start off with one set of 5 reps on each side. Perform this exercise in a smooth, controlled movement with a good hold at the end position for 1 to 2 seconds to get a good stretch. The intensity is light.

This exercise stretches out the muscles on the outer part of the spine and works on the mobility of the spine.

Give these five exercises a go. They are the best exercises for back pain.

If you want to overcome your low back pain flare-up so that you can move your back around without worrying if the pain will come back, then check out the Low Back Pain Solved program, here!

Low Back Pain Solved

Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS