Enough Already Barbell Challenge Complex

Today, I am happy to share a recent interview with Shawna K of Barbell Challenge Complex.


Rick Kaselj

Hey, Shawna K. at Challenge Workouts. I am happy to share my ‘Already Enough’ Barbell Challenge Complex with my good friend and fellow Canadian, Rick Kaselj, of Exercises for Injuries. I hope that you find it helpful.

This is a unique approach to fat loss; these complexes help you burn fat, boost metabolism, and build muscle in 20 minutes. So if you are tired of high-intensity training or just straight-out cardio, these are great alternatives. Check out the workouts; Rick will have lots of information about Challenge Complexes.

Eight reps of each:

  • Ab Roll Out
  • High Pull
  • Reverse Lunge (8 per leg)
  • BB Bent Over Row
  • Push Up Shoulder Touch

Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Do 4 – 6 rounds, and rest up to 1 minute between sets.

This workout is called “Already Enough.” We have eight reps and five exercises. You are going to do 4 to 6 rounds. You can start with three rounds if you are a beginner. Remember, we are not working on speed, we are working on adding the load, and we are always starting with a lighter load because, over time, that weight will add up.

Make sure before you do your Barbell Challenge Complex, like with any of my challenge workouts, that you are doing a little warm-up on your own.

1. Ab Roll Out

Ab Roll Out_Barbell Challenge Complex

Ab Roll Out

Start with an Ab Roll Out from the top of your knees. Start by kneeling in front of the barbell. Place both hands on the barbell with your shoulders directly above your wrists. Engage your core and roll the barbell forward as far as possible, remembering to pull your belly button towards your spine. Use your core and hamstrings to pull the barbell back to the starting position. Do eight reps of this. You will feel your hamstrings and abs in this exercise.

2. High Pull

High Pull_Barbell Challenge Complex

High Pull

For the High Pull, start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the barbell at waist height with your hands shoulder-width apart. While holding onto the bar, drive your elbows up to the ceiling, raise to your toes, then slowly lower your feet and arms back down. Repeat this movement for a total of 8 repetitions.

3. Reverse Lunge

Now you can move into a reverse lunge from a front squat position.

Reverse Lunge (Front Squat Position)

Reverse Lunge (Front Squat Position)

Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the barbell with both hands facing outward, shoulder-width apart. Raise the bar to hold across your upper chest at shoulder height. Step back with one leg, then lower your back knee to a 90-degree angle. Raise back up to the starting position and repeat the movement. Complete eight repetitions on each side. Use a back squat position with the barbell [1] if you are not comfortable in a front squat position.

Reverse Lunge (Back Squat Position)

Reverse Lunge (Back Squat Position)

Whenever you are lunging, your goal is to move to a 90-degree angle at the ankle, knee, and hip. Keep all of your weight on the front leg. Don’t transfer your weight to that back foot.

4. Bent Over Row

Bent Over Row_Barbell Challenge Complex

Bent-Over Row

Start by standing in front of the barbell with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slightly bend your knees and hinge from your hips to bend your upper body forward. Hold onto the barbell with both hands shoulder-width apart. Pull the barbell up in a rowing motion, keeping your elbows tucked close to your upper body and your spine long. Slowly lower the barbell to the starting position and repeat the movement. Complete eight repetitions.

5. Push-Up Shoulder Touch

Push Up Shoulder Touch

Push Up Shoulder Touch

Begin in a straight-arm plank position, keeping your head, shoulders, hips, and legs in alignment. Engage your core and bend your arms to lower your body towards the floor. Straighten your arms to complete the push-up movement. While in the plank position, raise one hand to touch your shoulder, then repeat the movement on the opposite side. Repeat the sequence of movements for eight repetitions. This is considered one repetition.

You can rest for 30 seconds to a minute and repeat that whole circuit. Work on increasing the load.

There you go!

I hope you enjoyed the workout.

If you want more workouts like this, click here to check out Challenge Complexes.

Shawna Kaminski