Side Plank Modifications and Tweaks If You Have Shoulder Pain

Side Plank Tweaks If You Have Shoulder Pain

In this video, I wanted to go through a modification or a tweak that you can do if you have shoulder pain when doing the side plank. The side plank can place a lot of tension and strain on the shoulder joint, which will not feel good if you are dealing with shoulder pain. [¹] Luckily, you can make various adjustments to your side plank to help eliminate shoulder pain.

By now, You’ve probably heard the news: side planks are great for toning your core. But did you know this classic fitness move can also help relieve shoulder pain? You can use the side plank to realign your shoulders and open up tight chest muscles, which puts a lot of pressure on the shoulder joint [²].

If you have shoulder pain, it’s coming from your rotator cuff and upper back. This is a common problem for people who spend much time on their computers or phones. Let’s look at two simple side plank tweaks to side planks to help relieve this issue!

The side plank sometimes called a “Russian” or “reverse” plank, is performed on one side of the body at a time. It’s not a difficult exercise to master, but it’s important to perform it correctly. You will get all the benefits without putting your back or spine in danger.

Side planks are good for strengthening and toning the core muscles of your abdomen and sides. They help improve posture by strengthening your abdominal muscles and stretching them.

Regular Full-Length Side Plank

I had Donnalee demonstrate the exercise.

Regular Full Length Side Plank

Regular Full-Length Side Plank

A regular full-length side plank will help you build a strong core and shoulder muscle. It can improve your posture, relieve back pain and increase your upper body strength.

Regular full-length side plank is one of the most effective exercises for a strong core. It provides many benefits because it strengthens not only your core but also your shoulders.

This is a full-side plank, with the forearm on the ground and the elbow underneath the shoulder. Many people find this side plank painful on their shoulders. Let’s go through some ways to modify the side plank to take the strain off the shoulder.

How To Do Modified Side Plank

1. Side Plank (1st Modification)

side plank first modification
  • The first side plank tweaks or modification you can do is lie on the ground on your side and cross your arms.
  • Initially, you can lift your legs and lower them back down. This will work your core muscles, especially your obliques, just like in a regular side plank. With this exercise, you can gain strength in your core while avoiding pain in your shoulder.

2. Side Plank (2nd Modification)

  • The second side plank tweaks or modifications you can do is lift your legs, upper body, and lower back down. Again, lift the legs and upper body up and back down.
  • As you do this exercise, keep your hips and shoulders stacked on each other, maintaining good alignment in the body. This is a progression from the first modification as you lift both your lower and upper body off the ground.

If you have lower back issues, [³] you must be cautious about this modification. Since you are doing a side crunch movement, you will put more stress on your lower back. However, you are giving the shoulder a break.

There you go! If you are having shoulder pain when performing the side plank Tweaks, that’s a quick modification: lying on your side, crossing your arms, lifting your legs, or even progressing to lifting your legs and upper body.

Final Word

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Take care!

Rick Kaselj, MS

Lastly, if you are looking for a program to help you overcome shoulder pain, click here to check out the Shoulder Pain Solved program.

Shoulder Pain Solved