Best Exercises of 2011

Best of 2011

I started this Exercises For Injuries thing on February 26, 2009. My first post was Keeping Up with the Bones. It was a bad post. I had no idea what I was doing, but I just started writing. Nearly three years later, I am well past my 400th post. Things have improved drastically, but there is still a lot more that I can do.
In this post, I highlight the best exercises of 2011.

Rick and YouTube

One other way that I have been helping get the word out about injuries and exercise has been through my YouTube channel. I started it on December 25, 2008. Looking at the track, I am getting very close to 250 videos. Not sure what I was doing starting a YouTube channel on Christmas Day, but I am happy with how it has progressed over the last three years.

Facebook and Rick

Best Exercises of 2011

I might as well finish off with the last place that I spend my time when it comes to getting the word out on exercises and injuries. It is Facebook. This year, I started my fan page, and I am still figuring it out. Just like my blog and YouTube, I will:

  1. Keep delivering the best content that I can
  2. Help people in any way that I can
  3. Stay consistent with what I do
  4. Try to improve every day

If you plan on doing this blog/YouTube/Facebook thing, remember those four things as I think they are essential and have helped me out a lot.

Okay, let’s get to the list.

Top 7 Best Exercises of 2011

1. Best Gluteus Medius Exercise for a Hip Replacement

This is one of my research reviews, where I look at new research related to exercise and injuries. This was some interesting research when it came to gluteus medius exercises. It was specific for hip replacement clients, but many activities apply to anyone.

2. Exercises for Osgood-Schlatters Disease

After hearing a very motivating story about a hockey player, I did this post. It was on what you can do regarding exercises and Osgood-Schlatters Disease. It was a popular one, and every day, more and more people visit it.

3. Great Foam Roller Exercises

I am a massive fan of the foam roller. In this article, I go through several exercises that I like to do with the foam roller. Enjoy! Make sure to look at the third video.

4. Gluteus Medius Exercises for Running

It was a big year when it came to gluteus medius exercises. This was another research article review on gluteus medius exercises. Before the article focused on an older population, I wanted to focus more on a younger and active population to show that gluteus medius exercises are essential, especially for runners.

5. Coaching the Joint-by-Joint versus Talking About It

This is an exercise-packed post. It goes through examples of poor and good joint positioning. It is one to print out.

6. 6 Ways to Improve Thoracic Mobility

Every year, there is more and more discussion on the importance of thoracic mobility related to neck, shoulder, and back injuries. There are some great exercise videos on things you can do to improve your thoracic mobility.

7. Corrective Exercises for a Herniated Disc

This one hit a nerve with people. It was an article on corrective exercises that someone who has a disc herniation in the maintenance phase of their injury could potentially do.

There were many more articles, but these were the ones that stood out the most and seemed to be the most popular based on visits, Facebook shares, and the length of time people read them.

I hope you enjoyed the top Best Exercises of 2011. I am looking forward to 2012, knowing it will be even better than 2011.

Have a great new year.

Rick Kaselj, MS

P.S. – With it being the last week of December, its Injury of the Month is ready. It is on Jumper’s Knee.

Jumper’s Knee Solution
