Exercise and Osteochondritis with Zach Moore

I am back with another exercise and injury interview for you, and today it focuses on a knee injury. The exercise and osteochondritis-specific knee injury we are going to talk about.

I am going to talk with Zach Moore, a strength coach, and he will talk about how he overcame numerous knee surgeries and osteochondritis. In the interview, he talks about how it was a bit of a journey to find a place that got him doing the right exercises for osteochondritis.


CLICK HERE to listen to the interview with Zach Moore on Exercise and Osteochondritis.

Exercise and Osteochondritis

What Zach Moore Goes through in the Interview on Exercise and Osteochondritis

  • Zach talks about his injury, osteochondritis
  • What osteochondritis is and how Zach got it
  • The variety of surgeries he had to have for osteochondritis
  • He did all kinds of rehab after his surgery and for his osteochondritis but was not happy with the results
  • How getting an assessment from Bill Hartman was the key to helping him finally get on the correct rehab track
  • The importance of focusing on the hip when it comes to knee injuries
  • Exercises to focus on osteochondritis
  • Essential exercises to avoid if you have osteochondritis
  • Basic exercise techniques for lower body exercises
  • The mindset you need to have to overcome your injury
  • The right kind of research to do for your injuries
  • How being a client at IFAST and meeting Mike Robertson and Bill Hartman was the start of his strength coach career
  • Tips for those recovering from knee injury and pain
  • Who is Zach Moore

A few things you need to know about listening to the interview:

  •  To listen to the interview, scroll to the bottom of this page and click the play button symbol. If you do not have time to listen to it, click the “download” button and download it to your computer. Then you can listen to it on your computer when you like. Plus, you can subscribe to the iTunes podcast and get all the interviews when they are ready. Enjoy!
  • If you use Chrome as your web browser, it can sometimes act up when playing the interview. I suggest listening to the discussion in another web browser (Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.)
  • Here is a video explaining how to download the interview recording

If you are looking for the knee injury exercises that I use with clients, you can check out Knee Injury Solution by clicking here:

If you liked this interview and are looking for other exercise and injury advice, check out these other articles, videos, and interviews:

And if you have an injury recovery story, I would like to hear it. Please do contact me – I would love to interview you.

Rick Kaselj, MS

Knee Pain Solved
