Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

The Cause of Noncontact ACL Injuries
Preventing a Second ACL Injury
Knee Pain Due to a Sloppy Knee
Causes of ACL Injuries (Part 5)
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries (Part 4)
ACL Injuries in Female Athletes
To Leg Press or Squat if you have an ACL Injury?
Is Downhill Walking Good For You After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery?

ACL Surgery Video

Fitness Education

6 Must Read Journals on Exercises and Injuries

Groin Injury

What to do about a Hockey Groin Injury?

Hockey Conditioning

Muscle Imbalances and Hockey Players
Hockey Training Mistake
What to do about a Hockey Groin Injury?

Hip Pain / Injury

Why You Need to Strengthen Your Hip Flexors
Why the Psoas Isn’t the Devil?
Muscle Imbalances and Hockey Players
What to do about a Hockey Groin Injury?

Knee Pain

Knee Pain Due to a Sloppy Knee

Lower Back Pain

What I do When a Back Flare Up Hits
3 Things You Need to Do When You Have a Lower Back Pain Flare Up

Mike Robertson

Bulletproofing Your Client’s Knees and Lower Back Seminar with Mike Robertson – Interview with Mike where he explains what he will be going through during his back and knee courses.
Mike Robertson’s Thoughts on Assessment – Interview with Mike on his thoughts on assessment.
Muscle Imbalances and the Hip with Mike Robertson – Clip from Mike’s video presentation for Muscle Imbalances Revealed.
Mike Robertson’s – The Single Leg Solution Review – Review of Mike’s most resent DVD.
Bulletproofing Your Clients Knees and Lower Back with Mike Robertson – Details on Mike’s upcoming course.

Pectoralis Minor

Posture and Scapular Muscles

Plantar Fasciitis

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis – Part 2
What is Plantar Fasciitis? – Part 1
Plantar Fasciitis and Exercise – Webinar on plantar fasciitis and exercise


Why You Need to Strengthen Your Hip Flexors
Why the Psoas Isn’t the Devil?


Posture and Scapular Muscles

Scapular Stabilization Exercises

Posture and Scapular Muscles

Serratus Anterior

Posture and Scapular Muscles

Trigger Point Therapy

Headaches and Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger Point Therapy Protocol for Rehabilitation of a Shoulder Injury
Trigger Point Therapy and Rotator Cuff Exercises
Why Your Client’s Should Stop Exercising and Get Trigger Points Therapy
Manual Therapy Techniques for Treating Myofascial Pain
Addressing Trigger Points for Shoulder Pain

Rick Kaselj, MS