Bootcamp Success and Not Failure

Okay, one more thing about bootcamps. We have talked about Bootcamp marketing, success, mistakes, and workouts.

One last thing: how to get your Bootcamp to start on the right track.

How to Have Your Bootcamp Start Off as a Success and Not a Failure

In this last section, I interview Shawna on what you can do to make sure you start your Bootcamp business as a huge success.

In the interview, Shawna shares with you:

  • How she got into the Bootcamp business
  • The things she did for her camps to start as a success
  • Great free marketing tip to get clients
  • When the right time to expand is
  • Best time for a Bootcamp class
  • The big mistake she made with her Bootcamp
  • Ways to get more people in your Bootcamp class
  • The importance of being part of a Bootcamp system and networking group

If you want to check out the interview with Shawna, CLICK HERE.

Rick Kaselj, MS

If you are looking for other posts on boot camp stuff, you can check these out:

Rick Kaselj, MS

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