7.1.10 – Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts

These random thoughts things have been fun. I don’t think anyone reads them, but I enjoy sharing and writing. Here you go with today’s random thoughts.

Hip Replacement

I got an email from a Kinesiologist in Regina, Saskatchewan, who specializes in training clients with hip and knee replacement.
She had taken the Core Stability of the Hip webinar and is using the concepts and exercises with her hip and knee replacement clients.
If you want to increase your understanding and confidence and get some exercises for clients with hip and knee replacements, I recommend Jody Kennett.
Jody Kennett is a fitness professional who works with clients with hip and knee replacements.

She will present her The Joint Replacement Client: Pre & Post-op Exercise Guidelines on November 6 in New Westminster, BC.

I have taken the course twice, and I highly recommend it.

What Does Kaleb Mean?

Most of you know I had my second son a few weeks ago. I got this great email from a reader of the Exercises For Injuries blog. The reader took the time to research and let me know what Kaleb means. This was such a great gift that I had to share it with you all.

Dear Rick,

This isn’t a note I want to show your readers – its just for you & your wife.

You named your son Kaleb.

Firstly, Congratulations on the birth of your son. I do hope your baby & wife are well.

May your son grow up to be as dedicated a humanitarian as you are.

As for your choice of name for him, I commend you & your wife on your decision.

Remember – your name is the prophecy of who & what you will become!

Kaleb the son of Jephuneh was one of the only 2 scouts sent to spy out the land of Canaan, who returned with a positive report about the land.

The other 10 scouts gave painfully negative reports to the children of Israel, & for their sins, they were summarily executed by Heaven.

But for their virtue, both Kaleb, & Joshua the son of Nun, were given positions of trust.

Financial wealth is the goal of too many – but there are no pockets in shrouds – you can’t take it with you!

The wealth of good deeds is your greatest treasure, both in this world & the world-to-come.

May your son be a source of joy & pride to you both, always.



Thank you so much, GD.

For anyone that is reading, feel free to send me an email. It would be great to hear from you.

Testimonial for Lumbar Spinal Fusion Webinar & Exercise Program


As a 25+ year veteran of the personal training industry, I have worked with my share of clients with back injuries and spinal fusions. I can genuinely say that the Lumbar Spinal Fusion Exercise Program has given me a better understanding of spinal fusion surgeries and an exercise/rehab program with progressions that make sense. I look forward to using your system with my clients and will keep you up to date with their advancement.

Greg Justice, MA

AYC Health & Fitness (Kansas City’s Original Personal Training Center)


Well, that is enough rambling. Until next week, take care.

Rick Kaselj, MS

Lumbar Spinal Fusion Recovery Program
